I’m from Florida but lived in Maryland for a while and couldn’t ever get used to the snow, especially when there’s a snowstorm. Not to mention snow is difficult to drive in and it can cause accidents which isn’t good. It actually surprised me that some people actually like and don’t mind the snow. So for those that do like the four seasons and don’t mind the snow despite the bs you have to deal with, this question is for you.

  1. As someone who grew up with four seasons, I feel like I could ask you the same question about hurricanes.

    To answer the question though… I love how calm it is when it snows. It gets so quiet. If you just stand there by yourself, it’s like you’re the only person in the world. It’s incredibly peaceful.

  2. As I’ve gotten older I enjoy it less. I will definitely be a snowbird someday.

    That said, if you find activities you enjoy it can be pleasurable. I like downhill skiing and I don’t mind driving in snow. Donuts are fun.

    There is a sweet pleasure of going for a walk the day after a snow storm. Beautiful trees. Crisp air. Crunch of boots. Its poetic.

  3. I miss living in Ohio. Snow is beautiful. It’s not too hard to drive in if you’ve grown up with it. Many of the snowiest states have the lowest car insurance rates because of the skill required to drive in yearly winters and this skill is acquired through exposure. I loved the peacefulness of a snowy day. I loved being able to experience all the seasons.

  4. https://imgur.com/a/paIRDgq/

    Sledding is fun, snowshoeing is fun, winter mountaineering is fun, ice skating is fun, snowball fights are fun, building snow forts is fun, being cuddled inside by a fire is awesome, cutting down Christmas trees is fun, in general there’s a lot to like about winter.

  5. I mean, Maryland/Virginia have pretty awful winters, because it’s cold enough to be miserable, but not cold enough for stuff to freeze, so it’s a muddy, snowy, rainy mess for like four months out of the year.

  6. You think it snows in Maryland!!! But seriously I hate heat and humidity, fall is absolutely beautiful, and there are tons of great snow activities (I have kids and our yard is a hill, instant entertainment).

    I grew up here, this is what life is like to me. Anything else would seem odd.

  7. It all depends on where you grew up. I love the cold. Wrapped in a blanket sipping tea or cocoa. Snow makes everything beautiful 😊 When it’s hot, you can’t escape from the heat.

  8. Yeah I like it. I lived in the PNW and South for most of my adult life before returning to the Great Lakes, winter is great. It’s like going through a series of emotions throughout the year.

    There’s so much to do in the winter that you can’t do in the summer. Snowball fights, snow angels, sledding, watching your pup roll around in the snow having a great time, make a snowman, the joy of Christmas lights reflecting off it, the calmness of a morning after a night of heavy snowfall, the brightness of a full moon night reflecting from it…all of the good things easily outweigh the inconveniences if you have a good attitude about it.

    It’s cold? Sure. Put on clothes. Get good boots, wool socks, some good merino base layers…you can be cozy as can be on a below zero day. Then you can go ice fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, whatever you want. There’s so much to do. Build an igloo!

    Shoveling the snow isn’t that big a deal for me, frankly I could use the exercise come mid January.

    The part I don’t like is the melt/mud season when the snow melts and then refreezes to layers of ice and all that fluffy stuff you’ve been playing in is now a dangerous sheet of glass. March is pretty frustrating.

    So yeah I like snow and cold.

  9. I’ve retired and just moved into our retirement home a few weeks ago. We are down in the Ohio River valley; I enjoy the four seasons. Spring is a time of low humidity and gardens are planted. The grass grows again and trees sprout new leaves. The fish start to spawn as the water warms and catching 100 bluegill bass and crappie for a fish fry is easy to do in one weekend. The summer months are hot and humid, but skiing fishing and boating on the many lakes and rivers along with tooling about the countryside in a convertible makes it livable (as does the AC). Fall is the reverse of spring as nature winds down with fall festivals and cool nights. When I was younger I did a lot of snowmobiling here and up north in Michigan(6500 miles of snowmobile trails!). There is an unreal quiet after a new snowfall, and with a full moon it’s surreal as moonlight reflects to light up everything

  10. West coast north of San Francisco has four seasons and very little snow at sea level. Instead of long wintery weather we have long spring weather, chilly nights and mildly warm days.

  11. Snow is beautiful and sledding is fun. The main gripe I have is our candy-ass school system that cancels school for a couple of flakes. It’s a real pain in the butt for working parents and the kids don’t even get to play in the snow. Super annoying.

  12. The biggest reason is I like the actual change of the seasons. I used to live in Hawaii, the constant summer got boring. Now I live in Texas, no real fall or winter where I’m at. Just spring and a long humid summer. Humidity is also something I really despise. My preferred weather is somewhere like Eastern Washington/Oregon and Idaho. Pretty much anywhere in the great sage brush sea.

  13. Because you can get used to it and it isn’t a big deal.

    There is going to be good and bad no matter where you live. To us in the Midwest, we wonder why people build homes at or below sea level on the coast, and/or where hurricanes are prone.

  14. 1.) I hate heat with an undying passion. I can’t stand being hot and sweaty. I went to Florida in May once and wanted to die. Even Virginia in July was too hot for my liking. I’d much rather be cold than hot.

    2.) Sledding, skiing, snowboarding, snowball fights, etc. Just generally lots of fun stuff to do in snow.

    3.) snow days. (Granted as an adult I don’t get snow days anymore unless it’s REALLY bad, but there’s a great deal of nostalgia tied to them).

    4.) Snow is pretty

    5.) If you celebrate Christmas, it just feels wrong if it’s cold and snowy outside.

    6.) When you grow up with it, driving isn’t an issue. You learn to watch the weather and plan ahead. Whether that be giving yourself extra time or planning to stay home if it’s gonna be bad.

    7.) I’ve never had damage to my property from a snow storm. Can you say the same for hurricanes?

    Now all that said, Fall is my favorite season, but I would not want to live anywhere that it never snows, I would miss it

    I think if you didn’t grow up with it though, it’s easy to miss the appeal. I’ve yet to meet a kid who grew up here who wasn’t delighted the first time they got to get on a snowsuit and play around in the snow.

  15. Nostalgic view of having a white Christmas, I love the lighting of the fall colors and the breeze on a weekend after a college football win. I think Spring is more enjoyable after winter. The Summer doesn’t get too hot. Even when I wasn’t fat. I felt that I was sweating above average, and the humidity sucks. I couldn’t imagine living in a place like that all year round. It just isn’t me. Also, with the climate change, temperatures are rising, so there’s not much snow most years.

  16. I’m not sure if I have a real answer other than I just prefer it because it’s what I’m used to.

    The changing of seasons gives me something to look forward to. Summer is fun but towards the end of it I can’t wait for the air to turn crisp and cool, the leaves to change color, and autumn to start. The four distinct seasons allows for four distinct lifestyles. There are things I do in winter that I wouldn’t do in spring. It’s not just a change in activities either. My diet, wardrobe, and even moods tend to change.

    I also like that the four seasons line up with traditional American holidays. Easter, Fourth of July, October, Thanksgiving, and Christmas feel different from each other because of the weather. I wouldn’t want to spend my Fourth of July in 4 feet of snow any more than I’d want to spend my Christmas in 95° heat.

  17. I love the snow, But I have the luxury of being able to call out of work so travelling is not an issue for me. I love taking my dog for a walk after it snows. It is so quiet and peaceful.

  18. What I would like to know is…..all the Nordic people that came to the U.S, why did they only settle in the coldest northern states, like North Dakota, Minnesota, etc.? I mean I get it is similar to their home country but usually you want to get *away* from the cold…..just seems like voluntarily inflicted self pain

  19. The change of seasons act as a mental reset for me.

    Summer is great, but when it’s too hot and humid for a long stretch I look forward to the cool fall air and the smell of a fire burning, wearing flannel and drinking cocoa.

    When I’m tired of raking leaves I look forward to the first big fall of snow that covers everything in a beautiful layer of crispness. Everything indoors becomes instantly more cozy. I get some of my best reading done in the winter months sitting by the fire.

    Then when I’m sick of shoveling snow everything starts to get warm again and I can get out in the garden and start planting that year’s new crop of vegetables and flowers. Then I start planning all the fun activities for that year.

    I just really like that each season gives me something new to look forward to.

  20. It’s like every season has their own personality and you get to experience that. It’s refreshing almost. That’s the best way I can explain it.

  21. In the winter I’m not dying of heat and humidity. There are no bugs and mosquitos. I don’t have to mow my yard twice a week. My allergies aren’t trying to kill me.

  22. I love the rhythm of the changing seasons. In March the ground thaws out and you start to plan your garden. In April you think of baseball as the trees begin to grow leaves and the neighborhood is decorated with flowers (this is good as long as you’re not allergic to pollen). In May all the critters come out from their burrows. In July the beach is warm enough to swim (58 Fahrenheit is my limit). In September there’s apple picking, October the changing leaves and first frosts (good for snuggling outside with a loved one under a flannel blanket imo), December the first real snows. Yes, January and February plain old suck but the seasons provide a new layer of meaning and sentiment to the rest of the year.

  23. I hated living in California for a year specifically because everything, even the weather, was so stale and same, unchanging.

  24. 40 years in the California desert and now I’m in Iowa. The city in California implemented a grass moratorium, no more grass, due to the drought. No watering. No washing your car. I sold my house came to Iowa and paid cash for my small farm property. You’ll learn about living in a drought as Florida is already in one. I’m here to live my life, grow food and if snow comes with that … well, that’s just more water.

  25. Well given that I’m from New Hampshire, people in Maryland don’t get real winters hahaha. I love skiing, ice skating, pond hockey, and the coziness of sitting in front of my wood pellet burner while it’s 25 degrees outside. Winter isn’t bad if you have proper footwear, a good quality coat, and nice gloves/hat.

    It’s also not hard to drive in the snow if you’re used to it. I drive a fwd sedan and I don’t have any real issues because I throw on snow tires, drive slow, and keep plenty of space, and most people around here have the common sense to do that.

  26. I love it! Christmastime is cold and (sometimes) snowy. We always get a little snow in January or February. It’s just enough winter weather to enjoy without getting really sick of it.

    Then about the time you’re sick of it – SPRING! Sunny skies, warm sun, soft rains and the ever present threat of a devastating tornado. The tornado threats keep you on your toes straight through the hot, humid summer. Even the least weather aware Missourian knows what a bad, tornado producing thunderstorm looks like.

    Fall is dry and cool and the trees turn gorgeous colors. Great time for a drive through the hills with a stop at some mom and pop diner for coffee and a slice of pie.

    Living in a place with four distinct seasons means you get the best of all of them.

  27. Idk probably the same reason you live with hurricanes and alligators. They’re probably not as big a deal to the locals, but as an outsider it kinda concerns me.

  28. >Not to mention snow is difficult to drive in

    this is why you see a LOT of Subaru cars in cold weather states.

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