Is there a rule? So i do know if i want to last longer i should masturbate but at the same time i feel like if i masturbate i might not be able to cum.

I already cant cum from oral so im really scared i wont be able to cum from penatration.

I generally just masturbate once a day and now im unsure if i should take a break leading up to sex or not. What do u guys think?

  1. You need to chill out and take it slow, don’t be scared about cumming too fast or not at all, if you’re nervous this might happen. It happens for men and women. I’ve heard guys cum before they have sex to last longer, this might also reduce your nerves. The main thing is that you check in with your partner, tell her how you feel and ask her how she feels, then go from there

  2. It’s not the end of the world if you can’t cum. The one guy I was with who had his first time with me couldn’t cum because of nerves. Ofc it would have been more fun for him if he could but we both still had a really good experience.

    First time is just a first time like so much else. It isn’t gonna be the best and that’s okay. Sex is a skill, you need practice to figure out what you enjoy and what a partner enjoys.

    If you want to increase your chances of cuming you can skip masturbation before but if it was me I wouldn’t skip it if it’s a challenge for you. First time is gonna be a bit awkward no matter what. That’s part of it. There’s gonna be so many more experiences after that first one which are gonna be a lot more fun and will let you experiment with how much masturbation before affects your performance.

  3. If you masturbate a few hours before then you might last a little longer but it probably won’t have a major affect. If you’re that concerned about cumming too early then engage in a lot of foreplay and see if your partner is into doing multiple rounds. If they are into you they will likely be ok with you cumming early.

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