I don’t know if I’m interested in anything or looking for anything really. I just want to try it out and see what it’s like to date the same gender. I’ve always been bi-curious but have zero experience in that space.

Is it unfair to the person if I’m just there without the likelihood of anything forward? Do gay dating have expectations of initiation like most girls do for me? Who pays for the date (I usually do in straight dating)? Any other advice?

  1. Maybe instead of jumping into dating, try going to like a gay club or bar? That’s an environment where your level of participation is as much or as little as you’d like.

  2. Dating as a bi person doesn’t have any different rules. The standard etiquette rule is the person who invites does the paying. So if you ask a guy out to dinner you at least offer to pay at the end of the meal. If you invite a guy to a concert, you buy the tickets.

    If you go out on a date with someone you feel attraction to it’s no more “unfair” to the person if they are male or female—dating is to see if you still like the person at the end of the date and want to spend time with them again. Just ask out a guy you’re attracted to and then see what happens. No pressure, nothing to be worried or judging yourself about. Just go on the date and see if you two click. No different than a date with a woman or a nonbinary person.

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