How would you feel if your significant other proposed with their mom’s divorce ring?

  1. I’d say no because it’s not my style at all and I’d feel like he doesn’t know me if he thinks that’s what I’d want.

  2. i dont understand why you’ve specified **divorce** ring. Marriages often dont work out, and I’m in no place to judge someone else’s. I’d still think it was a nice gesture and a sentimental one, i’d like that my man has a nice relationship with his mother despite their marriage not working out

  3. What is a divorce ring? A ring that she got after the divorce? Or a ring that was the original wedding ring?

    If it were the original, idk, I might consider it a slightly cursed object. That being said, I’ve worn my grandmother’s wedding ring since age 13 and that marriage dissolved in the 50s. It’s special to me, and … ok now that I think about it my love life has been cursed. But I think that’s more my fault than the ring.

    It comes down to—does she give her blessing? Is there money for a different ring? Do you like the ring? Would SO’s dad react if he saw it on you? Etc. Lots of things to consider.

  4. If it’s in my style, I’d say yes. I actually prefer used things, so be happy to reuse a ring, especially one that came from their family.

  5. I’d be like ”wth???” Because that’s really not the kind of guy he is.

  6. If I liked the ring it’s fine, but I generally don’t care for jewelry as a whole and would prefer a plain silver band.

  7. I’m divorced but the diamond in my engagement ring comes from my family. If my son gets engaged, I’ll give him the ring and he can get a new setting his fiancée likes and not have to pay for a diamond. A ring isn’t cursed because a marriage ended.

  8. Annoyed and upset that they ignored everything we’d discussed about rings and everything about my preferences. It wouldn’t be a pleasant conversation to have.

  9. If it was something along the lines of Princess Kate getting Princess Diana’s ring, I’d be fine with it, but if mom’s ring is ugly, then no.

  10. I don’t care much about jewelry, so I’d be fine with whatever was the right size and comfortable to wear.

    My mother in law cares even less about jewelry, so I don’t think she ever had a ring from any of her marriages.

  11. Annoyed because we already talked about me not valuing or wanting an engagement ring.

  12. I personally wouldn’t be alright with it. The sentimental value of the ring is much more important to me then the monetary value. Passing on your mothers ring can be really special, but I’d personally feel weird about wearing a wedding ring that has a “history” of divorce.

  13. I wouldn’t care at all. It’s a ring, it’s just a piece of metal with a rock, or a few rocks, attached.

    If anything I think it’s good because they didn’t spend money on the ring.

  14. I have a beautiful ring from my first marriage. My kids were the product of that marriage that unfortunately ended in divorce. (And it should be noted that my ex died when the kids were teenagers) Now my son is with a great girl and he’s talked about marriage. I’m on the fence about giving him my ring. I’ve read the responses here and I’m torn. I have no use for the ring. It’s been in a box for nearly 15 years.

  15. I’d almost rather they propose without a ring at all, than that. It seems like they just grabbed the ring because proposals are supposed to have a ring, without any thought to the significance of the proposal, and that’s the exact opposite of what I’d want in a proposal.

  16. By divorce ring, do you mean their mums engagement ring from a marriage that’s now over? It’s still a family ring and has special connections to the SO. It’s likely not the reason they got divorced. My dad kept an engagement ring he gave his first fiance who he split from before the marriage. My parents had it in the house for around 25 or so years before I asked if I could have it for myself. It’s just a bit of jewellery not a portent for a failed relationship.

  17. If he chose this ring because it’s meaningful, then I think it’s a cute gesture. I don’t care so much about the ring personally, only about the thought.

  18. I personally wouldn’t want a used ring that came from a failed marriage. I’m not superstitious, but that’s just a bad vibe for me.

    I don’t mind a secondhand or heirloom ring, but I want it to be one that’s a happy reminder, not a negative one.

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