So to put it shortly this girl and I have been talking for a few weeks. We met in person and it went good, Overall she seems like a good person but I’ve noticed that whenever something doesn’t go her way she is kinda acts passive aggressive or tries to guilt trip me. The recent incident was a few hours ago. We were texting and she sent something but I was busy so I didn’t open the message. An hour later she double texts me saying that “it sucks not being able to talk to me” which is not true. We text constantly and we also have phone calls..I tried to brush it off and just responded with “wym silly? Lol we talk literally everyday” she left me on read so I asked what was she upset about?? That I’ve already showed that my intentions are good and that my interest is genuine but if she is gonna find ways to be upset for no reason then that this wasn’t gonna work out. Then she responded that she wasn’t upset and that thought what she sent was sweet but me threatening her with that was enough for her to walk away and then sent “bye bye” thoughts?? is this being passive aggressive???

  1. No I think it’s just that you can’t tell tone in text messages I think it’s a misunderstanding because it was a text message

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