I’m in the process of hiring an intern. In order to help me learn more about each applicant without having to call them. I created a very short survey with a 12 simple multiple-choice questions. I sent them an email asking them to respond to the survey at their convenience.

All have except one. Instead they responded with.

***”Don’t hire me until we speak, so there is no confusion on my commitment or experience”***

Apart of me feels disrespected, as I clearly said it’ll help speed the process and they ignored it completely and just emailed me. Am I wrong? What is a professional way of saying:

“Listen dickwad, no body is saying you’re not committed/don’t have experience or you wouldn’t be a dam finalist in applicants. Just fill the dam thing out or will trash your app?”

  1. First off, I do agree with you, that message from the applicant does sound a bit too self-important.

    It sucks that you don’t have the luxury of giving him a fitting reply as you NEED to be professional. So, in response, you can just let him know that you have a “deadline to meet”. And hence if he’s really interested in the position, he should fill in the survey, failing to do so would result in him no longer being considered as a candidate.

    Hope this helps. Cheers 🙂

  2. I am an alumni mentor and my mentee would send something like this. Some of these young people are very full of themselves.

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