I’m a happily married man, but currently sitting at the upscale bar in my town. It’s common I see men that are 40+ with obviously younger women to the point that my wife and I play the game of “daughter or date.”

In the case of “date”, I just don’t understand how these men meet these younger women. Is it all apps?

  1. Have a large net worth and spend it wastefully. Similar to what the animal kingdom does with colorful plumage to attract mates.

  2. Let me first state I never cheated on my wife or entertained a younger lady, but I met a handful of younger ladies that propositioned me through work. There are definitely ladies out there that prefer older men.

  3. Often they will approach the older man. I think the older man has the same allure as the older woman does to a younger man, just not talked about as much.

  4. In these poor financial times women are drawn to older men with established careers.etc

  5. Apps and websites, yes.

    And not just the ones which wealthy/high status men use to show off their lifestyle (such as instagram).

    Many of them use “sugar daddy” websites/apps which are more popular than people often realise. Alternatively, dating apps work well for this too.

    If not the above, then just using escort sites – which isn’t that much different from the above except it’s usually an infrequent meeting.

    Guys who want something more regular with an escort just pay them enough to stick with them exclusively or book in within them constantly.

  6. Typically older men are considered more attractive prospects, as a long-term partner… This comes from older men (And no, I don’t mean some 50+y/o old fogies) having more life experience and wealth.

    Think about the main thing a woman wants in a relationship… They want a man who has his shit together… and men in their twenties tend to not have that, as they’re either just starting out in their careers or are just leaving college and have quite a bit of debt.

    By the time you’re in their thirties and forties, men will tend to have a lot more life experience. Such as problem solving capabilities, maturity, and overall knowledge and experience…

    And someone who’s been working in their career for a decade or longer, will more than likely have a bit of wealth, such as a paid off home, car, 401k, etc… Meaning they have stability that allows for them to focus on a relationship.

  7. All you have to have is some disposable income and the older man is head above younger men already. If you are not a troll, you can pull some serious women that are 10-15 years younger very easily. Women like to go and do cool shit. Want to go to St. John for a week, lets go. I have 15k laying around for a 22 year old smoke show and a couple of her friends.

  8. There is a new market out there in 2023: Unvaxxed young, feminine women looking for unvaxxed older, masculine men.

  9. don’t forget to include colleague in your little guessing game, especially if it’s monday-wednesday. not really a hot date night.

  10. There are a huge number of women with daddy issues, so you can date down into the 20’s no matter how old you get. You have to learn to spot those women who are interested in you, though, because few of them are going to just come on to you unless you’re really handsome or obviously rich and powerful, or a famous.

  11. There’s this barista where I get my lunch coffee who I’m pretty sure is flirting with me. Normally I ignore anything coming from someone whose job it is to be nice to me, but this seems genuine. She’s also probably in her 20’s. I bet if I tried I could get her number…

  12. Step one: dating apps, Step two: don’t act like a guy in his 20s

    Optional: have a good career

  13. I’ve met older men on dating apps.

    I don’t “target” older men. They just tend to know that they don’t want kids with a little more life experience. Most men my age are unsure or open to having kids, but I want someone who definitively knows kids aren’t apart of their life.

  14. Just kind of happens honestly. One was a co-op at work, one was jogging, one through friends, things like that. My energy just clicks better with a younger woman.

  15. I’m 43 never married and have no kids. If I got on dating apps, I’d probably be looking for someone younger with no intention of having kids.

  16. Have money and exude calmness and stability.

    Here’s my car, here’s my house, here’s my good job, here’s my hobbies which I’m quite good at by now, here’s me not being jealous or petty or resentful, here’s my body that I didn’t destroy in the short span of ages 18-40, here are my teenage kids who are clever and kind and well-mannered, here’s my ex-wife who is still pretty and I share good parental responsibilities with, here’s me not paying the slightest bit of attention to the peacock with the bright red sports car, ‘look at me’ haircut, tight trousers and shoes with no socks, strutting around being rude to waiters before he goes back to his parents house to sleep, here’s me who wants to go down on you for eternity and knows exactly how to push your buttons, has a vasectomy and will cum deep inside you like nature intended, and doesn’t want to cum on your face or throat fuck you, here I am and you have to make an effort to be with me because I have my pick of 25-30 year olds.

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