What helped you the most during your divorce?

  1. Learning and personal development, I wanted to find out why I stayed, and it was a very deep dive. Counseling, support groups, bibliotherapy, shadow work, healing my attachment style and learning to love all of me! I love being single and after rebuilding my life I am very selective about anyone I invite into my life.

  2. Remembering how miserable I was around him. Had to keep reminding myself that I didn’t really miss him, I was just afraid of change

  3. Playing world of Warcraft with my buddy, got me distracted from sitting being sad and alone for a few hours and had someone to talk to about my emotions everyday.

  4. Cats, Xbox, therapy are getting me through it. And a great quote from Carrie Fisher to keep my head in the right place: “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die”

  5. Environment and personal development! There are so many things in life to learn, to try, to experience and I have realised that life is not about one person…

  6. Journaling, praying, singing, doing well at work, working out, going out with friends. I was wounded like never before so fleeing from him and cutting him off completely moving away. I sold almost everything that I own. It helped. I wiped the slate. It’s still hurts but it’s not debilitating anymore. Eventually dating even though it’s mostly been socializing and not much more. And most important… time.

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