Have you ever heard of lime/lemon juice slowing your period? What is your experience?

  1. Never heard of that, and it doesn’t make any logical sense, so I’m extremely skeptical and fairly certain that’s made up bs. I’d recommend checking with a medical professional as they’d be better informed.

    Edited to add: I’ve drank lots of lemon and lime juice in my life and never noticed any connection to my period at all.

  2. The thing about *every* tip on speeding up/slowing your period is that I can never find an actual source for it.

    Exercise is great in general, but it’s a good example of well meaning suggestions that make sense but have no backing. I’ve been told numerous times that having an active, healthy lifestyle will shorten the duration of your period. I haven’t seen any sources on this, and, I don’t know, there’s something *vaguely* anti-feminine about it – as if having a period or a lengthy one is some kind of punishment for a less than healthy lifestyle. *Not* getting your period can be a sign that you’re not healthy. So, I think a lot of suggestions on how to modify your experience of your period is just made up to be honest.

    The only thing I *know* has an affect on periods are different types of hormonal birth controls, and it’s typically just a side effect and not the primary purpose of them.

    But, another point – if you feel some habit is generally helpful to you (and it’s not otherwise unsafe), just do it. If something like lemon water or tea or whatever helps you feel more relaxed, that has value, and can provide second order benefits in that way, which may have positive physical manifestations on your body.

  3. I can guarantee this doesn’t work as lime juice is a fair portion of my weekly cocktails.

  4. Huh? People think this? It sounds like some myth created either in the old days or for some spoof internet site.

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