On dating apps, I typically like a girls profile but don’t send a message. I will wait until they like my profile back. That seems reasonable to me but how about everyone else?

It makes we wonder if women don’t think that is enough. And if they don’t, it seems to me like they aren’t doing their part.

Also, I get it if they don’t like my profile back it might mean they don’t like me. I’m not referring to those cases. Just wondering if the above holds water.

  1. I’m much more likely to like back and start the convo if a guy sends a comment with their like. I currently have 10 guys in my queue who liked me but haven’t said anything else once I matched back. If I really am interested I’ll start the conversation but have noticed when I started the convo 8/10 times it goes no where so I’ve just waited for them to start it once we match.

  2. If you just like a profile they can’t see that unless they are paying members, depending which app

    Sending a message is always better

    What I don’t understand is the men who like me and then never answer a single question I ask them

  3. All of the dating sites/apps will only let you see who likes you if you pay for a subscription. Most of the people on these sites only have the free account with no intention of ever subscribing. Scammers and freeloaders have ruined it for the rest of us.

  4. Hi. Woman here.

    You are right. It isn’t enough. If I get a like back but no conversation, I assume they’re not interested enough to talk to me, and/or they are already preoccupied with another woman on OLD. I unmatch him as a result.

  5. Sure do that if you like. For me this hadn’t worked out so far.

    At online-dating apps women have hundreds if not thousands of possible guys. If you aren’t hot as fuck you’ll probably have a hard time to get some likes. For me this won’t work.

    But you’ll increase your chance by standing out by sending a nice message.

  6. Based on my experiences you will have better results if you send some form of a message first. I’ve noticed in a good portion of instances, men will have to make the first move to talk. That’s just how it is.

  7. Women get so many likes you need to find a way to stand out. Unfortunately this is the way things are now a days.

  8. If a guy likes my profile I do assume he wants to connect.

    Why not just saying hi?

    Regardless, if your profile was interesting, I’d definitely reach out

  9. Alot of men will just like and not send a msg, so sending a msg will make you stand out. Standing out in the crowd is one of the most important things on dating apps, so not doing that is shooting yourself in the foot….

  10. You aren’t attempting to start a conversation, then observing it’s tough to talk to others on dating apps. Most girls aren’t going to initiate because they don’t have to; they are getting many messages from other guys.

  11. Are you talking about hinge? Bc idk what other dating apps you can send a message. I generally just send a like without a message on hinge and it works fine.

  12. A like just means you find her cute. If you’re interested put in the effort.

  13. As a woman, I personally like when the man messages me first. I can match with like 50 people in a row and the ones I talk to are the ones that send a message first because it makes them stand out.

  14. It’s plenty. If you’re not getting likes back it’s because they’re not into what they see

  15. If I like someone but don’t send a message, it’s a “meh” like. Essentially it means you’re attractive but we don’t have anything obviously in common. I’m leaving it for the other person to find a commonality to talk about. A like without a message is a very weak sign of interest and I generally don’t expect them to go anywhere.

  16. Here’s how it works-

    Most men, unless wildly attractive, get somewhere in the 100 likes vicinity.
    Women, unless wildly unattractive, get likes in the vicinity of 10000.
    That means women have a lot of screening to do. If you don’t do something to catch her attention, be it attraction, wit in your profile, humor, etc., she’s not going to give you a chance. You literally have to be better than 9999 other profiles, and even then, they’re probably carrying tens or hundreds of conversations.

    Just look at cell phones and text messages. I have zero unread messages. My girlfriend routinely has 40+. Carrying conversations is daunting. Just put your best authentic non-catfish self out there, swipe away, and when you match, say something unique and not just be like “Ur dog is cute”

  17. For me, if there’s a like but no comment or message, I typically unmatch and it goes no further. A lot of things go nowhere on dating apps so I don’t like to waste time on someone who won’t even take the time to send a message.

  18. It’s not enough. We as women have so many like to sift through. You won’t stick out unless you comment or message.

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