I (22f) get horny for absolutely no good reason when I’m around my bf (25m). He’s washing the dishes? Horny. Kissing my cheek? Horny. Hugging me? Horny. Breathing within 10 feet of me? Horny.

Plus we’re a really touchy-feely couple, so it doesn’t help that he’ll smack my ass or grab a tit or kiss my neck at the most inconvenient times. I try not to show it but it makes me want to jump his bones all day.

Sometimes I’ll tell him to stop turning me on and he’ll just give me a shit-eating grin and act confused. I don’t know if he knows the effect he has on me but I’m sick of it! I don’t have the time to lose concentration or have sex 5 times a day lol.

The weird thing is I don’t normally get this horny. The only time I’ve been this insatiable is when I was a teenager, or when I’m ovulating. But now that I’m in a relationship I can’t take my mind off of it.

Does the horniness get better eventually? How do I curb it?

  1. Lean into it while it’s there! You’ll miss it when it’s not. Lucky dude, lucky you.

  2. This is actually good and it’s very normal to get horny for no reason when you’re attracted to someone. After 5+ years of relationship my gf and I are still as horny as the first day (and even more 🤭) and we are always spicing things up and trying new things. So enjoy the moment and don’t forget that communication is one the keys to build a good relationship. If you’re concerned about this you can always talk about it to your boyfriend with love and respect 🫶

  3. I’m 34f and like this constantly around my bf. I want him and am ready for sex all the time. I just desire him 24/7 to the point where he says it’s a turn off for him for me to be always so easily available to him. It bums me out lol. I could have it 2-3x daily if he wanted to but he says 2x a week is enough for him. It drives me mad to have it so little but I love him very much and deal with it in other ways.

  4. I’ve been married for 11 years and this is my life. My husband finds it hilarious.

  5. My late wife and I were this exact way! for almost 30 years. So it might not ever get better lol. That is why we had sex 2x a day everyday once in the morning and once at night. Her idea not mine! So yeah you might just be screwed! ( HA see what I did there 😉 )

  6. Sweet Summer Child.

    That is so normal in a healthy relationship. I’m way more randy than my husband, but I’ve felt that way about him since…well, about your age! A bit of teasing/flirtation like that is what keeps relationships going.

    But to answer your question, as you gain more responsibilities, time will limit a lot of activities. The other thing I like to do is, instead of thinking about sex, I’ll try to do something else for my partner that focuses on a different love language. Maybe I’ll do a new recipe they have been asking to try or I’ll take over chores for the day or do our taxes so he can decompress from work. A good vibrator for momentary…spikes also help, not gonna lie 🤥

  7. I’m still this way around my fiancé and we’ve been together almost 2 1/2 years, and I knew him a year before we dated(and yes I got horny around him then!)

  8. Why would you deny what you desire? Especially in a healthy relationship, which it sounds like.

    Go into the dead bedroom sub and see how bad it could be. Being in love/lust with somebody equally is a gift. Don’t throw it away imo. I’m sure it will fade at some point and then you’ll wish you had it again.

  9. Over ten years together and this is still happening. It’s great, and also very not lol. It is truly annoying when he just wants a snuggle so he will start rubbing my back and I’m ready to go 2 seconds later. My body goes CRAZY for him siggghhhhh

  10. I’ve been this way around my boyfriend since we first got together 3 years ago🥰. Since then, I’ve been taking BC and life has gotten more stressful, along with being depressed, so my libido has gone down a lot. But I still am all over him for the most part. We would still be doing it daily if I wasn’t so busy and tired all of the time! We are always all over each other though, and I love it.

  11. I have been married for 37 years, and I still feel that way when I am around my husband. 🥰

  12. I have been married for 7 years and I still get horny for him for no other reason than he’s a sweet guy, he’s handsome in this shirt, he instantly bonds with animals, etc.

    It felt more intense and immediate when we were dating and that part became more manageable as we had to deal with grownup shit together.

    It started as a sprint and became a marathon.

  13. My gf and i are like this we have been together for 18 months, im 31 shes 38. My sex life befour her was pretty terrible so im not complaining 🫠

  14. Ex used to talk like that. I think she was so used to being treated poorly that me just being casually friendly to her had that effect. Any real affection I showed got her very riled up. She mentioned once about how I often made her “throb” downstairs. In public I could just say that word and she might develop a situation down below. I was so in love with her.

    “Nobody has ever made me feel this way.”
    “No one has ever been so nice to me.”
    “I have never been so wet with anyone.”

    Despite what she may have said at the end we felt extremely compatible. Probably could have spent the rest my life with her. Too bad she couldn’t stay the fuck away from her ex. She told me so many disappointing things about him. Good for them.

  15. Why do you try not to show it? We like when you show it. I get why women are conditioned to not show it due to sociocultural reasons, but show it!! It’ll do your relationship and sex life good.

  16. If you wanna drive him crazy back, let it show once in a while. For me personally, knowing how much my gf is trying to hold back or knowing how much she’s into it is a very major turn on, and can quickly drive me nuts

  17. “Does the horniness get better eventually?”

    It doesn’t get any better than that! I get that it’s inconvenient sometimes, but isn’t this what life and love are all about? You’re the envy of most people!

  18. Enjoy it. One day you’ll be in menopause and wishing you had the libido you have now.

  19. Are y’all new at dating I mean as in a few months in? , is so that’s normal lol . If not then maybe it’s just your hormones?? Could you be pregnant?

  20. Women reach their sexual peak in their 30s, so you’re not even at the top yet theoretically. 😌

  21. just started seeing mine and i’m right with you. this man literally just breathes and i’m soaked. i love it though hahaha we are both so happy and healthy i think it’s good to be like this. personally this is all i’ve ever wanted from a relationship

  22. I’m 61 and I’m horny as fuck every day every other thought from work the gym driving is sex and the female anatomy

  23. It goes away for some. It didn’t go away for me.

    We’re married with kids and still going at it every chance we get. We have sex every day – we literally haven’t missed a day since our youngest was 6 months old and we average twice a day.

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