The REAL question

  1. Like 4 bags in each hand, most of the bags were filled with bottles of cooking oil, soda bottles, canned catfood and a few bags of rice, man, that was HEAVY, i limped my way inside from my car the whole walk.

  2. We don’t drive so I bought an ex us army duffel bag that’s big enough to hold a toddler or two (my kids have been in it – not at the same time!). I’ve got a week’s shopping for four people in the sucker.

    I only tried to carry that once though, then I ziptied it to a trolley. Ouch.

  3. All of them.
    We go grocery shopping for the whole family for 1 week.

    I put everything in a crate basket and carry it up.

    We once weight me with and without crate of groceries for fun- almost 60 pounds difference.

  4. All of them, you can carry them using the carts you know and not be primitive. Although one loves a challenge from time to time so it depends on the *weight*.

  5. Carried 6 bags (3 per arm) and 2 bottles by my armpits. Yes I did get scolded because I almost squished a loaf of bread but it was worth it.

  6. Now that the bags are cloth, damn near all of em. Minus the 4 gallons of milk and soda. I carry the heavy stuff and make the wife carry up the bread and chips.

  7. I can carry 10 bags on my right and then just the milk jug in the left. Strength comes from daily exercises…too bad it’s only one arm

  8. When my inlaw came from Asia to texas she went to the groceries and bought 1000 dollars of groceries one trip….I must of unloaded like 30 bags and made like 10 trips to the car…everything fing rotted, dam potatoe roots were coming out of the pantry…she also bought like 10 bottles of vinegar..who does that! ridiculous….she also bought 4 boxes of blueberries and half of them rotted.

  9. Brought a couch home on my bike once. Balanced it onto of the handlebars and seat.

  10. 14 of those shitty plastic bags

    3 on a forearm, one on each finger (total 8)

    3 on other forearm, 3 on fingers (need finger and thumb free to open door)

  11. Bout 7 bags on one arm, maybe 40lbs total. With keys and gym bag in the other hand.

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