I have my first session with a therapist today. Well… not first ever but first in a long time. I have also been reading the book Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay.

BTW… she is also in individual therapy and has been for a while. She is not healthy enough for couples therapy at the moment.

Anyway, hoping to find some clarity because I have been a hot mess on here lately. I am wound up, and realized that when I post on here I am not really seeking advice but looking for validation of what I want to hear.

I still want a divorce, but I am taking a step back from this forum for a bit. I am hoping therapy will help me approach the process with a clear head and not a shit pile of emotions. Perhaps the process will change my mind.

  1. Give it at least 10 sessions and do the work they tell you to do. My wife and I are much happier now, it’s really hard to explain just how much things can improve if you really invest in the process and humbly submit to the work.

    For better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death do we part! Never forget your vows.

  2. Be careful. On the internet it is easy to confirm your bias no matter how far from the truth or reality it may be. I always suggest staying off of reddit during counseling. Rely on the professionals you are paying not the need to validate anything from internet strangers.

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