Sometimes I hear other women say that they want to get married in their 20’s so that they can be young and beautiful in their wedding photos. And I think this is overrated and that beauty has very little to do with romance. I want to have a romantic wedding. And I think being old is more romantic.

My parents and my aunts and uncles were all married very young, and now all have bitter divorces. A few of my cousins are already married, and two of them are even divorced already too. At their weddings there were even some guests whispering that they didn’t think it was a very good idea. At their divorces a lot of people came out and said that they knew it was going to happen. At the divorces a few people even wondered out loud if the other cousins marriages were still going okay. And that really sucks. I don’t want that.

But there are weddings I went to that felt different. Like my parents had friends that got married later in life and I was already born and I got to go to those. Those weddings were awesome! They were silly, they were happy, the bride and groom were celebrating a life that they already had together, and the same people muttering in the back at the young marriages were rolling their eyes and saying “its about time”.

And I want that kind of wedding. I want it to be so obvious that we were meant to be that people roll their eyes. I want to have the money to rent out an aquarium, or a circus, or a castle. Or be silly and have the caterer just be my dad on the grill, or have rides and games or a giant slingshot. I want to already have a life with my husband, and just be so happy to be with him there. I want the wedding to be a happy memory on top of a giant pile of happy memories. To have wrinkles and for the dress to be large enough I can fit in it for the rest of my life. I also want the dress to be simple enough I can wear it again on a Wednesday, and see my husband smile. I want to wear it so much it collects holes and stains.

To me, that is the most romantic wedding I could possibly have. And that’s why I’m waiting for it.

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