What is your opinion on people purchasing replicas of designer brands?

  1. :V I worked for Louis Vuitton before, I would say it’s so much better to just get a replica. Yeah sure you can buy expensive bags but legit these companies do NOT care about their clients whatsoever. For example, you want something small repaired on your product? Then feel free to wait a long unknown amount of times to even get your product back while you need to spend hundreds and hundreds to get the smallest thing fixed; and the best part is, if you want updates on your products, the best thing you will hear is “its still in repair” and you won’t get any other details, it could even take many months too. It’s very annoying to handle “luxury” companies like these, tbh they only see clients as walking dollar signs and most of the times they will just tell you to “purchase a new product” because they can’t repair your original. They pretty much do whatever they can to have clients keep buying what is new and they always increase the prices discreetly. 😝 And the amount of times I heard from other clients telling me they would rather buy someplace else for mad cheap is so hilarious to me that I would just say “go for it.” But other than that luxury brands are also scams

  2. I think it’s kind of trashy. But I also thing the reql thing is snobish. I believe in quality and style and a brown bag that is just a walking advertisement of a company seems stupid to me.

  3. I like Chinese watches that are inspired by big brands. They look very nice but cost far less than regular watches.

  4. It doesn’t matter in the slightest to me. It’s their money, their body, their closet.

  5. I think it’s a dumb flex. You’re flexing that you can afford designer stuff, but you can’t, because you bought a fake. I think there’s enough bags out there that are a similar style to designer ones since style tends to go in cycles that if you can’t afford designer, you can probably find a similar style within your budget. So to me, if you went out of your way to buy a replica, that means you didn’t just want a bag that style, you wanted people to think that it’s designer.

  6. I’ve done that several times, my current wallet is Prada and definitely not the real thing.

    If I like how it looks, why not? It’s still real leather, so better quality than just a random cheap wallet

  7. If you like how it looks and you dont have the money for the real thing who cares. If you do it because of your image and you feel like you are respected more with brand names, maybe consider therapy.

    But nah i dont care, if you like it go for it 🤷‍♀️

  8. I’m not a big fan of it because it causes financial hardship and loss of business for small, independent designers who have their designs stolen and reproduced by copycats. Many very talented designers have been unable to sustain themselves because of it which is a shame to me.

    I doubt the replica market is significantly hurting well established luxury brands, but it’s a very painful thing that has a big impact on smaller designers whose works are stolen.

    That said, people can purchase what they want to. I’m not going to even know or notice most of the time unless they point it out to me.

  9. I don’t look at it as people trying to “flex” some people simply can’t afford designer, but they like the look of designer, so they find something similar. What’s wrong with that?

  10. Buy it, don’t try to pass it as real. Beside, why waste so much money and something that expensive, when you could doing something fun with it?

  11. If you like how it looks then get it, normal people don’t want to spend thousands of pounds on some shoes.
    It’s a waste of money to buy yourself the genuine stuff when you can get it almost exactly the same for a whole lot less

  12. If I can find that cute bag I’ve been eyeing from an off brand designer that the only difference is it lacks the thousand dollar lable of a name brand bag maker for pennies on the dollar and is made in better quality then I consider it a win. I’m also not going around telling people it’s like a Gucci when it isn’t…can’t afford that shit.

    Though, I REALLY want the anotomically correct heart bag by Gucci not because it’s Gucci but because it’s an anotomically correct heart which I collect but it’s over eight thousand fucking dollars! 😔😖😩😭

  13. If you can’t afford to flex, don’t flex

    Defeats the whole purpose of flexing

  14. Don’t care at all. Don’t care what people buy with their money as long as it’s not harming anyone and it’s making them happy.

  15. Considering that criminals use sales to fund more serious crimes, it should be avoided.
    With that being said, I’ve guaranteed worn a few knockoff sneakers in my youth, so I’m not gonna be on my high horse about it.

  16. I don’t think I’d be able to pick out the real thing vs the fake knockoff! Personally I wouldn’t buy a knockoff because I’d be self conscious that someone would call it out as a fake but that’s a me issue.

  17. Quality is more important than brand recognition. It looks more expensive anyways.

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