Do men prefer to be in a traditional relationship (where the man works and the women stays home) or be dual income and do everything 50/50?

  1. However the relationship lands is, and keeps the household(assuming living together) afloat and not merely breaking even.

  2. This depends on the individual, you cannot make a sweeping generalization based on something personal.

  3. Personally 50/50, after I went shopping with her once no way I’m paying 100$ per pair of lulu lemon leggings lmfao

  4. I prefer both working because there’s just so much more you can do

    Can get a house worth literally double for example

  5. Depends

    I make good money; would dual income really help that much more than someone handling the homefront

    I’m down to do what works

  6. Men are not monolithic, nor are women. Some men like the traditional relationship, and some men prefer the more modern partnership.

  7. 50/50 sounds great, but when you’re pulling 12 hour days and she’s running a whole ass small business, the traditional way doesn’t sound too bad. At least one of us could catch a breath and get some housework done.

  8. I can’t speak for all men, but I prefer flexibility. Life is random. So ultimately, I want (and got) a woman who can do both. When I’ve been busier with work, she’s worked less. And vice versa. And there were times we were more even. It’s about teamwork.

  9. My father always taught me to look after the women in my life. This is a lesson I value and will teach my son. That said, I feel that a 50/50 relationship is important for the balance of the relationship.

  10. Depends on the country and culture. Here in Germany, you give an average of 50% of your salaray in taxes and dues to the government, there is only a very small group of people who can actually afford the traditional lifestyle. And hence you will find people very outspoken and proud about being progressive by preferring an equal partnership – though most do not have a choice. When you look into the upper classes however (which can be difficult because envy is ridiculous here) you will find that the insistence on equal partnerships decreases quite a bit.

    So this leads me to the conclusion that for a woman it would probably make the most sense to look at what the type of man she wants to be with prefer more.

    And equally depending on your reasons to wonder about this it is worthwhile making a similar analysis of a focus group, rather than looking for a universal answer.

  11. PREFER traditional. Unfortunately, you need to be pretty wealthy to be able to do this in modern times

  12. I prefer to know what the deal is and then do my bit. I don’t really care much beyond that

  13. 50/50, ya think I make enough money by myself to fund a whole household? God I wish that was still possible for the average joe, I sure as hell can’t do that.

  14. I prefer when things compliment each other. Realistically I can’t see myself pulling in enough money to do the solo income thing. If it was possible, I wouldn’t object to the traditional route, so that leaves the latter. I also wouldn’t mind the inverse of the traditional relationship, but that’s even more unlikely

  15. Either can work and work well, but my major concern would be about the pressure being the sole breadwinner puts on you.

    Knowing that your entire family’s ability to eat and be warm rests on your shoulders would be honestly kind of overwhelming. Losing your job would be crushing.

    I think unless I’m rich enough that I’m not worried about any sudden layoffs, I’d prefer 50/50 just because it gives us a safety net.

  16. The day I become as rich as Bezos, Gates or Musk, my wife can choose to be SAH. Else she can choose another husband. Definitely her choice though.

  17. Depends on the income bracket a lawyer or Dr who is settled and wants a relationship can just find some young hot girl and pay for everything.

    The average person guy earns 25k to 35k and his girl earns 25k to 35k they make 50k – 70k together and this is most people times get a bit hard if they have kids and where discussions will need to be made if girl stays home but no kids they probably fine 50/50.

  18. I would have to 1) Love my job or 2) make bucketloads of money for this to make sense without kids. With kids, definitely find it appealing.

  19. My husband would prefer staying at home with magical prepared fresh food and no housechores 🙂

  20. Do everything 50/50 ish.. cause our job won’t be the same. If I’m putting in 40-60hrs a week in a high stress high paying 6 figure job while she’s a data entry desk clerk who works less than 40hrs a week. Then I would expect her to do more around the house so that’s the idea of “fairness” still exist.

  21. The thing about Trad is that a lot of women find it very boring, especially if she doesn’t have a nearby group of stay at home friends to bond with. Trad marriage really needs a village of friends and family

    But pragmatically, childcare is really expensive. Sometimes a stay at home parent is the smart decision.

    As a man, I’d just want my wife to be happy

  22. I prefer the Swedish model. The absolute worst thing a parent can do is be a stay at home parent. Both parents need to be working, because their only worth is as productive member of society. In fact, you should actively discourage someone from being a stay at home, because if you’re not contributing to the GDP, you’re a drain on it. Stick the kids in daycare as soon as possible, so you can both return to the work force and produce.

  23. My personal preference is that we have the CHOICE to have someone be a stay at home parent. I make almost three times what my wife does (mostly because she chose to be a SAHM for several years) so if we chose to do it, it’d probably be her. But I’ve always said – and meant – that if the roles were reveresed and we thought it was a good idea, I’d be happy to stay home and support the family that way.

    But overall, being financially stable enough to have the choice has been very meaningful.

  24. I make good money, but I don’t think I could afford to have my SO stay at home without an income. I would prefer that she work and do something she enjoys then we can split the bills and chores 50/50, or if we make enough, we can just split the bills and hire a maid.

  25. It depends, If I was wealthy enough, I would favour a traditional relationship. A couple of hundred grand a year in my country is the income of many people. I don’t see why my SO would need to work.

    If was working an average job in this economy, however, dual income would be great.

  26. I would say traditional if I had a high paying job. It would be an honor to make my wife happy/relaxed, putting a roof over her, putting food on the table, etc.

    But in this economy, inflation, home prices skyrocketing, dual-income is necessary.

  27. Dual income 50/50.

    It’s a partnership, not a master slave relationship.

    The only time I’d consider traditional set up is if my job makes an absolute killing, like I’m a millionaire type of job, and it’s more beneficial for my partner to be a full time parent. I wouldn’t be doing this so I could be the “master” of my domain, but because I see the benefits and value of a full time parent.

    If my wife was the mega money maker and I could full time parent, I’d love to have that arrangement. But let’s be real here, not many women would be cool with that.

  28. Dual income and 50/50. That’s how I was raised and I wouldn’t feel comfortable in a relationship with traditional roles. Also my mother would be disappointed and even my grandmother would turn in her grave if she wasn’t cremated

    From a more practical perspective I think it will make things a bit easier in the case of a break-up

  29. Traditional lifestyle died with my grandparents. My grandpa was able to build a house and provide for my grandma, dad and uncle with an average wage. A feat that is literally impossible nowadays.

    Nowadays with average wage you can’t even leave your parents. And most people make under average.

  30. Some men like neither and would rather their wife make the money while they take care of the house.

    There’s a range of what men prefer.

  31. Dual income because I neither want to be at the sole financial mercy of a partner, nor do I want to be the one shouldering all of the financial burden.

  32. If the economy would stop being this out-of-control optional boss monster from Final Fantasy, I’d prefer traditional.

  33. we looked at the cost of:

    babysitting, gas, and travel time. We would save more in money if one of us stayed home.

    we thought about:

    our culture and what we wanted to pass along, the ethics of our family, and the other aspects the lead to morals.

    We are a dual culture family and we are a mixed racial family. So our final decision was one of us to stay home. So we could be accountable to our child.

  34. If I could support my family by myself, then I would. I would expect the stay at home wife to cook, clean, and watch the kids, but I wouldn’t force that lifestyle on a woman if she didn’t want that.

  35. Traditional all the way. I find it asinine when some “men” expect me to accept my wife going to work to provide for the family when my gym-going able-bodied ass is ten times as capable of doing so.

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