
I (23M) have recently been dating someone (21F) we are just dating and have not committed so far. Recently the topic of when to tell parents about a partner came up in our discussions and she told me she would not be telling her parents about a partner until about 1.5 to 2 years. Now I understand each person has a different process and relationship with their parents so that period of time where they have that discussion varies, but I can’t help but feel that is an awful long time not to tell your parents about someone you are dating. Personally I would have that discussion at around 5-6 months just so my parents are aware of what is going on in my life, so wanted some advice as to what people think about this. Your comments are appreciated

  1. I don’t share *everything* with my parents, and they’re definitely not the first people I call as I am entering into a new relationship, but after a year and a half to two years I would have to actively avoid (to the point of lying to them) to make sure I didn’t disclose I was seeing someone. Part of a normal, natural flow of conversation is to talk about things you’re doing in your life and the people you’re with while you’re doing those things. A couple of years seems bizarre to me, but you never know for sure unless you know a lot more about this person’s family situation.

  2. I think I am the total opposite. I am pretty open with parents ( not entirely open since I do like to live my life publicly with judgement ) but the minute I start seeing someone new it probably come up in conversation but it doesn’t really turn to “ when can I meet her “ type feeling. It’s more like “oh you your seeing someone that great”. I believe like 3 – 5 months is good enough time to show off to your parents.

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