So me 20 M and 19 F are going to hangout, How can I make this mall hangout the best it can be? So me and this girl we aren’t friends and we aren’t in a relationship but we tease each other and everything. Tomorrow she says she wants a big hug so we’re going hang out at the mall, she says she wants me to give her opinions and stuff. We’ve met two other times as well. She says her teasing game is going to be strong too and she wants to surprise me. She’s the one driving as well, since I don’t have a car. She won’t even let me pay for something for her, like I told her I’ll get her something since she’s driving and she said no but we go tomorrow. She’s been giving me good vibes, compliments me and a lot of things. How can I make-sure it goes well?

  1. if this is the third time then just keep doing what you’re doing if she’s asking for a hug and likes teasing you then she’s probably open to a relationship with you

  2. If you like her, then when you get to the mall, find the candy store and get a small bag of gummi fish. Nothing that will be messy. Then you go to Starbucks and get her a drink or Chick Fila for lemonade to have while you walk around. Then take her to a big department store and find a comfy chair by the triangle mirrors, for you so she can try on clothes. That’s what she wants your opinion on. You could buy her a bangle bracelet or something cute.

    Then get something to eat and suggest a movie, or walking around your downtown. Malls are a dying art.

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