As a socially awkward person, I feel I should ask this question.

I just moved into an apartment in the city of Melbourne, Australia. I shared the room with a guy, who might be just a few years older than me. I work outside most of the time, but IDK about my roommate.

I have been wondering how roommates typically interact with each other. Do they normally talk to each other on a daily basis? Do they want to know about their roommates on a personal level? Should they care about each other’s hygiene? Should they become friends in general? I think the answer to all of these questions is no. (which is good because I hate interacting with people anyway). But I’m not entirely sure, so I asked this question anyway.

But, should I at least say “Good morning” to my roommate when we happen to meet each other in the living room after waking up every day? Or maybe “Good evening” when I arrive home later on?

  1. The full range is possible and acceptable. You could become best buds or absolutely hate each other.

    But you need to be able to manage joint responsibilities so it is important to maintain enough of a relationship where you’re not at each other’s throat all the time.

    If specific issues arise, come back with those and we’ll help.

  2. Communication is important.

    So, at least communicate and see where it goes from there.

    Greetings are a starting point. So, yes, hellos in the morning and evenings is fairly standard.

    You never know when you might need to rely on each for something, so it is best to be on speaking terms, at least.

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