My partner is 25, 183cm and 66kg. I am 27, 150cm and 60kg. We do not have any physical conditions we are aware of. I wanted him to try spanking me tonight but he only spanked me once hard and had to stop because his hand was hurting. I barely felt it. I’m disappointed and don’t know what else to do. I’ve mentioned wanting to tie him up as well but he doesn’t like the feeling of anything around his neck or wrists. What can we do?

Edit: He is skinny though so maybe that’s why he can’t spank harder?

  1. I could recommend him going to the gym but if you want a quick fix get a whip and let him use that instead

  2. i mean… is he into it at all? it seems like you’re coming from a bit of a critical POV, be careful not to come off that way to your partner. start with a conversation about what each other prefers during sex, maybe there are things you can try for one another to figured out what works for both of you together.

  3. There are paddles you can buy that he can use to spank you. Whips or flails if you want more intensity. If tying is a boundary for him, even if it’s with cloth or soft materials, you’ll have to respect the boundary. Just try and look up for solutions together where you can get a bit of your bdsm cravings while not pushing him to discomfort.

  4. Does he have a medical condition that results in weakness so potent that one ass slap renders him injured and exhausted? Because that seems like a condition that would also render him unable to pretty much ANYTHING. Does he have mobility issues or something?

    If so, then I can absolutely see this, but if not then it would seem that he’s making up excuses to not put in effort to please you.

  5. How old are you two? Does he have any medical condition?

    Spanking shouldn’t be so physically exhausting, at least not for a healthy person.

  6. My wife enjoys a nice spanking. I bought a paddle off the net & with her guidance I’ve learned when, how & how hard to paddle her. She likes it doggy style after I spank her ass cheeks red
    I’d recommend buying a paddle or even just trying a belt. With your guidance he can give you exactly what you want.

  7. My gut feeling is that his hand didn’t hurt, he just wasn’t enjoying spanking you and didn’t know how to say that without letting you down. You could test it by giving him a wooden spatula or something similar to spank you with.

    Overall I get the feeling he’s just a bit more vanilla when it comes to BDSM elements like restraints and spanking where you like things a bit more spicy… nothing wrong with either, but it might require some careful navigation to keep you both satisfied. How do you think he’d be with you blindfolding him with a scarf or something similar while you give him a blow job?

  8. He probably does not want to spank you, there is no plausible condition that would only pain your hands when slapping ass, to me that sounds more like a curse. He’s probably said it hurt his hands so that you stop asking him to do it.

  9. So he’s not tired the skin in his hand hurt from it, so he either did it very wrong or has extremely sensitive skin. There is also the option of him lying and he is just not ok with spanking someone.

  10. I’m not an expert but what if he’s spanking the wrong area? I mean just hitting a bit too high can result in a hit where there’s more bone than muscle. Your partner should probably try to hit it in a lower area and also trying to hit from bottom to top if that makes sense

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