So here’s what’s happening.

Our relationship is 6 months long now.

GF’s parents bought a house last year that they cannot afford by themselves, so my gf (24 years old) has to pay a third of all household (including house mortgages) expenses as she’s still living with them.

This is making our life difficult as we are planning to move out, but the parents and the house are completely dependent on my gf.

So I’m wondering, what’s the best thing that we can do at the moment?

  1. Get her out of there to live her own life. Have parents sell house and buy something they can afford.

    While this is best, it will cause a war with them.

  2. You want to have your own life, if your gf wants to sabotage her life for her parents then you will have leave her. If she wants to stay with you, she needs to move out and stop any financial support to her parents.

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