I want to go to this festival because I really want to see this artist live. But then I realized I have no one to go with. Not many of my friends want to go because it’s expensive and they’re not really into this artist (/other artists that play that day).

Now, I don’t have good social skills (I don’t have many friends), for example, I’m not so spontaneous (like, approaching people and dancing, I feel more like “the silent one who doesn’t say much”). And I don’t know if I should go by myself. I might end up not talking to anyone and feeling lonely. I think I’ll find myself feeling watched and too self aware (thinking too much about how I will be perceived)

I’m also introverted and shy, but do like to go out with friends (doesn’t happen that often).

Has anyone here done this before? What was your experience? What would you advice? Should I go, or would it not be worth the money?

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