Hey guys 👋
I’ve been feeling pretty down cause I don’t feel like I look approachable. It’s been more than a year from my last relationship and I am really yearning to have a new one. The problem is that I’ve never been approached by a guy by his own free will. I’m always the one who approaches guys to ask how they are and if we could be friends. However, I feel like they get freaked out to be approached by an overweight girl (around XXL or XXXL/ 238-243lbs)
I would really like some advice and would greatly appreciate any suggestions.

  1. Confidence is the key. Confidence is attractive.

    Other than that, for people to approach, a good personality won’t jump in their face so for people to approach it takes appearance. Make sure to dress nice, have a well-groomed appearance, smell nice. Stuff like that.

  2. I am gonna lay out some uncomfortable truths here.

    1) There are guys who are into BBW (big beautiful women). If you groom right and smell nice, those guys will like it.

    2) Dating can be a numbers game. In order for you to increase your numbers and chances, it’s in your best interest to be playing in a field that provides those numbers. That means taking care of yourself and moving down to a desirable weight class. Now, there is nothing wrong with being BBW, some people like it, but playing field is so much bigger for a fit women. You can start by following some fitness YouTubers that have a large following or the body you aspire to be.

    It’s not gonna be an easy journey if you decide to drop down weight classes, but it’ll be easiest now than it will ever be in for the rest of your life and the payoff will be tremendous.

  3. Unless you can find somone that is ok with you being obese or is obese himself ,long term loosing weight would be the only thing you can do that would make a real difference.

  4. Sorry to break it to you…you know exactly what you need to do. Guys are visual creatures, and not many guys want to date an NFL line man. Instead of posting on here looking for girl empowerment, “you go girl advice”, how about eating healthy and getting to the gym?

  5. why don’t you ask a guy out? or are you stubborn and adamant that a girl should never ask a guy out?

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