Met this girl on tinder, had some good banter and got her number. Texted her and asked her for coffee to which she replied “hmmmm I’ll think about it”

Do I not answer? What should I say?

  1. You can say something like ‘okay cool’, if you went to reply, as it’s relatively non-chalant. I wouldn’t do more than that. Assume it’s a no, let her do just that and think about it (assuming it isn’t their way of saying no to your date, which it may be), and keep swiping. Move on unless they get back to you.

  2. Just say Ok… Let her think about it for 24 hours… if she hasn’t messaged you back then she prob thought about it and came to a no -.-

  3. It’s def a no. You can unmatch now or later. But saying ok cool, K, or not responding altogether works

  4. “Yes” = Yes.
    Anything else = No.

    Tell her that’s it’s cool and to contact you if she ever changes her mind.

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