What is the worst health scare you have gotten?

  1. I was at work when I felt a pressure in my chest unlike any panic or anxiety attack I had ever had, my face was flushed and sweating as I was trying to figure out if I was going to die of a heart attack right then and there. Because I am broke and uninsured, I decided that if I did survive I was still going to have to pay rent, so I just worked through it until I finally started feeling a little better; I asked my boss to go home half an hour early because I was feeling sick and had to explain to my roommates that were still up that I was home early because I maybe had a heart attack and to check if I woke up the next day. Still have no idea if it was a heart attack or not.

  2. Idiot at the medical group misread my blood test and told me my liver was failing at the ripe old age of 25

  3. Back around Christmastime 2020, I was pretty sure I had Covid because I was having shortness of breath with any kind of activity (*any* activity, not just strenuous things… like having to sit down and catch my breath after walking the 30′ from my bedroom to the bathroom in the morning)

    We were due for a blizzard coming in when I decided to go to the ER to get tested, expecting them to tell me to stay home and isolate but I wanted to be safe and get checked out before getting snowed in home alone.

    I ended up testing negative for Covid but it turned out I had large blood clots in both of my lungs that could have been fatal if left untreated. Got rushed in an ambulance in the middle of said blizzard to another hospital on the other side of the state where I’d proceed to spend the next week in the ICU.

    The icing on the cake was when one of the multitude of tests I went through discovered what looked like a lump on one of my lungs. Thankfully that ended up being nothing but really sucked waiting to find out.

  4. A few years ago I was having a lot of weird neurological symptoms. I felt drunk all the time, my memory was hazy, I was having trouble forming words correctly, some scary stuff. I’d been to the doctor a couple times and they hadn’t found anything going on. It came to a head one morning when I started hyperventilating in the parking lot at work and my heart started pounding like it was trying to jump out of my chest. I called my wife to come get me and take me to the ER. I was sure I had some huge tumor in my head or something like that.

    They had me in there for most of a day and did all kinds of tests. Cardiac stress test, full bloodwork, CAT scan, the works. Nothing. They couldn’t find any reason for any of the symptoms at all.

    A few weeks later the symptoms faded away on their own.

  5. I am fairly young so the worst would be the day i have a pinched nerve in my back and took me 10 minutes to get up from bed

  6. Retinal vein occlusion at age 20, random and out of the blue. It gave me a permanent area of blindness in the left eye.

  7. I have something like 70 or 75% chance of having a gene that gives me something like a 50% chance of getting parkinsons

  8. Had awful heart palpations and my blood pressure was acting up for 3 weeks but it is all normal now. Still don’t know what the hell was wrong. One day I woke up because of how bad my heart palpations were and I thought thats the end

  9. Had a lot of weird heart shit going on after getting COVID. Went and saw a doctor, was supposed to get a heart monitor thing to wear, after a month of fucking around trying to get the fuckin’ thing I just gave up. Thanks, Banner.

  10. They thought I had an Aneurysm but never told any information. I would get extremely bad tunnel vision, light sensitivity, and migraines to the point i would curl up into a ball in the darkness in dead silents. They ran a lot of test for a few weeks didn’t ever come up with a reason behind it then sent me on my way. It still happens but less frequently once a month occasionally it skips a month

  11. Felt a bump on my testicle, convinced myself it was surely cancer but it turned out to be an enlarged vein or something. Shit was pretty scary. Check yo balls boys.

  12. I’ve had several cancer scares over the years, but that was just smoking with a crappy immune system. Those were nothing.

    The scariest was waking up and only being able to move my right index finger and thumb. The initial thought was a brain tumor. Luckily, the neurologist had read about it before. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis. The potassium level in my blood gets so low I can’t move.

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