
sooo im studying at university I don’t speak the language of the country that I’m studying in plus even though I never experienced any form of racism I know that it exists among people who come from where I come in that country or at least that’s what I’ve heard and is popular however I don’t think it should be a problem because my university is somewhat prestigious so I assume won’t have such mindsets so I won’t use that excuse… plus the instructions are English so most people are able to communicate but still i have a really hard time finding good friends… I mean I have friends but they’re just classmates with who we talk about classes and stuff but nothing outside… well, to be honest, it’s a tough technical university so most people are nerds and usually studying but I know that doesn’t imply to everybody… I have social anxiety and it was really hard to approach people even when I’m around people many times I feel they’re talking about me and it makes me anxious… this year I started to change things tho I started going out more of the dorm even just to sit outside and be around humans and like going to the gym and going to the cafeteria and talking to people and idk i feel like its working but anyone with the same experience has any advice? or just general advice to have friends? I never really had a best friend that I can speak to usually… im not picky at all and i dont think im a boring person and i have many interesting topics to talk about with people but its a small campus and few foreign people… im not religious but i even starting going to prayer area to socialize with people because im too desperate… im always like (i don’t need to find the bestest friend just a friend who social and then he can introduce me to other) but this hasn’t been working…

1 comment
  1. It’s great that you’re taking steps to socialize more. This is something that can take time, so no need to beat yourself up for not having a friend circle right away.

    My personal recommendation would be clubs/organizations and campus events. Volunteer style clubs are a cool way to meet kind-hearted people who have too much free time on their hands. Plus you can do fulfilling stuff like saving animals, helping kids who struggle with school that are already giving up on life, and feeding the homeless.

    Cultural clubs could probably help you meet people in the exact same boat as you. If you can find game nights or parties to get invited to, that’s pretty lit as well. If you don’t know anyone at a party, you can just show up with chips and salsa and people will often welcome you in with open arms to the same level as someone who brought a bottle of alcohol

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