My Asian girlfriend grew up quite conservative and almost had no sexual experiences before me. We are pretty open about our desires and her #1 now is to try different dick. I’m fairly large but she want to experience different shapes, thickness and also “colors”.

I can’t say that I don’t understand her, I have had my fair share of women and I can say that almost no woman felt the same.

So far we have experienced with exhibitionism and she loved the attention she got from guys seeing her naked. I do enjoy it and I am not confused about this part. It is that I love her and want her to experience every pleasure there is but I am unsure how I feel seeing her with other dicks inside her.

Is that immature on my part or can it work out? I really appreciate some advice here.

  1. > she want to experience different shapes, thickness and also “colors”

    There are toys for that, does it necessarily have to be another person? For the most part dick is dick; you can get a small vibrating dildo, average size one that’s avatar blue colored, a big sleeve to put over your own dick, a curved neon green one etc. There are those dragon looking ones as well lol

    Opening up the relationship can be a whole other bucket of worms and situations that you may have to deal with

  2. Tough one. I will say that both the openly communicative environment of your relationship (her feeling safe to speak her desires) and the very tempered way you’ve reacted to hearing her desires (coming here to ask advice) both hit me very positively.

    Ultimately, it’s hard to know how you’re going to feel about a situation until you’re in it. I’d say meet a guy, make sure he’s someone you like too, make it clear to both of them that you’re willing to try this but you have your doubts and you reserve the right to call off the experience at any moment if it’s taking a toll on you emotionally, and give it a shot.

  3. Hey there! It’s great that you and your girlfriend are open about your desires and able to communicate them with each other. It sounds like you’re feeling conflicted about the idea of her being with other men, and that’s completely understandable. It’s important to prioritize your own feelings and boundaries in any sexual situation. That being said, if you’re both interested in exploring this, there are ways to do it safely and respectfully. Just make sure to have open and honest communication with each other and establish clear boundaries beforehand. And remember, there’s nothing wrong with using toys to explore different shapes and sizes. Best of luck to you both! 😉

  4. Well, my first question is, do you really need to be there? Like, if she wants to have these experiences, can she do it privately?

    Is it immature of you to not want her to have these experiences? Not really. You’re allowed to want fidelity. It would be a mature response to say, “Sorry, no, that’s not my thing.” Going along with it would in fact be an even more mature response. Like, we’re talking extra credit here. It’s arguably something to strive for, but it’s in no way required.

    There are people who think that fooling around on the side requires less maturity than fidelity. And they are right: non-consensual non-monogamy, AKA cheating, does indeed require less maturity than consensual monogamy. As for _consensual_ non-monogamy, fooling around on the side _with your partner’s permission,_ it requires more maturity. It requires a stronger relationship. It requires a true understanding of the fact that your partner isn’t with you for your body, they’re with you for who you are. It requires an understanding that romantic attraction and sexual attraction aren’t the same thing. And it requires that the love the two of you share transcends sex. It’s hard to be this mature and it’s hard to be this secure. That’s why it would be a mature response to say, “Hold on, I’m not sure we have the necessary depth of intimacy and trust to pull this off.”

    In the end, nobody can tell you what the best solution is. Hopefully we’ve given you enough information that you can make an informed decision for yourself.

  5. I can only speak for myself as a woman, I wouldn’t want to sleep with anyone else if I was with the man I love. I’d want him and change it up with him, experiment etc.

  6. Your either about sharing or your not, there’s no in between. If she wants the real thing then this isn’t for you bud. If she’s willing to compromise and get some toys it might work out.

  7. “See her”. Did you mean that literally, as to opposed to knowing that she’s doing it? None of your other words said you are going witness having sex with other men. You certainly don’t have to go to that extreme. Unless it’s a craving that half of your mind has.

    Jealousy is human. Don’t deny your humanity. On the other hand, you can choose to stifle it, wait for it to lessen. It’s human that we want to be promiscuous ourselves, while we get jealous when our gf/bf is promiscuous.

  8. I personally don’t understand how people could be okay with their girlfriend, the person they want to marry and possibly have kids with go around and “try” other dicks

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