What is one thing you’re often unlucky about?

  1. Meeting guys on Tinder/OkCupid

    80% Of the time there’s something funky about them, I’ve had one bring his mom

    I’ve had one dine and dash me

    I’ve had one show up almost fully naked

    I’ve had one show up as a completely different person

    I’ve had one show up and end up crying over weird things

    I’ve had one show up wearing a mask, not like a COVID mask but a full on Halloween mask because he was “nervous”

    I’ve had one have his girlfriend show up and catch him cheating

    I’ve had one get into an accident on the way to the date and I met him at a hospital

    I’ve had one show up dressed in drag

    I’ve had REALLY bad luck on random dates LOL

  2. Temperature and the weather. I have a drink because we are supposed to get a foot of snow? Try no snow and a hangover. Get excited becuase we are supposed to have a thunderstorm? Try clear skies all day. Excited for warm and sunny day to go to the beach? Try cold and rain.

    If I want weather I get the opposite

  3. POT HOLES. It’s like the universe makes sure all the terrible potholes in the northeast on located on the one lane of the highway I’m taking.

  4. Marriage.
    I want to get married but my parents act weird every time I am planning to.

  5. I’m often at the wrong place at the wrong time and thus, often the butt of the joke. Or work. Or whatever. Like 90% of the time I am the idiot who has to do all of the dirty work.

  6. Picking restaurants. I have an exceptionally good ability to pick the busiest and slowest fast food restaurants when traveling.

  7. I have dated three (THREE) separate guys who have, into the relationship, disclosed that they formally or currently were employed as professional clowns. That is three literal clowns that I have had intercourse with.

  8. irl dating. never dated in my life and i turn 20 this summer. mostly because i’m a very passive person in general who hates taking risks, but also me just being autistic. tbh, the idea to have a person to love you and loving back romantically irl seems very lovely, going on dates etc… but the process there is confusing. i’m not desperate for it, as i love life anyway.

  9. I am always the person who gets their order messed up when you go through the drive-thru, delivery, someone picked it up, etc. never have the issue in a sit down restaurant but it’s ALWAYS my order.

  10. Turning left when driving. It’ll be a ghost town riiiiight until I pull up and then BOOM 5 o’clock traffic, any time of the day, from both directions.

  11. Money. Lol. We can never seem to get ahead no matter how hard we try. We just get a decent amount in savings and then his truck breaks/the stove shits the bed/the a/c quits working/the kids need expensive dental work/my job cuts hours etc etc all at the same damn time.

  12. They dropped me on my head when I was a baby.

    As a result I got a broken neck and fractured skull. Ended up with Meniere’s disease and poor follow-through of the brain synapse. Although I’m very intelligent, I can’t do much right.

    Because of the neurological thing I misplace just about everything I set down and drop everything I pick up. I can’t concentrate and make strange mistakes on my job. It’s been a very hard life. I’ve made it but it hasn’t been easy

  13. I always manage to catch my clothing on stuff, usually tearing or unraveling it, and it’s just regular clothing, not loose or billowy or anything. Jean belt loops or jacket pockets on door handles, things like that. Also, if there’s a stray nail or screw sticking anywhere out of a wall, I’m guaranteed to catch something on it.

  14. Ive been shit on by three different birds in the past month. I do not work with or own any birds, every single Incident has been pure bad luck.

  15. Growing up I always had a strain relationship with my dad. I assumed it was because I look so much like my mom. As I grew up, I began to look even more like her and I also struggled in school like her. Eventually, I confronted my dad and he basically said he struggled with loving and accepting me as I am because I’m so different from him and the rest of the family and I am indeed a lot like my mom.

    I hate that I was right all along.

  16. Health. I got an extreme rare disease as a teenager. Finally free of that, a year later I was diagnosed with IBS. When that became stable, my hair falls out due to alopecia. It’s slowly growing back now, so I’m wondering what comes next.

  17. Health. I got an extreme rare disease as a teenager. Finally free of that, a year later I was diagnosed with IBS. When that became stable, my hair falls out due to alopecia. It’s slowly growing back now, so I’m wondering what comes next.

  18. Making plans with friends. I gave a few people too many chances after bailing on me, then rescheduling, then full on ghosting me and never talking to me again. I finally cut them out of my life and stopped trying.

  19. Nothing in my house is ever the simple Home Depot fix

    As soon as you open something up to make a mod 5 things aren’t how they should be.


  20. Every single time I go out to eat, my order ends up getting messed up. It doesn’t matter if I go to taco bell or a place that requires reservations. If I ask for my steak cooked medium, it comes out too raw or overdone. I ask for no avocado on something, it comes out with avocado. Sometimes when I receive my food, is too cold to be enjoyable (ex. Steamed broccoli shouldn’t be cold to the touch)

    I want to point out that I treat my servers very well but I always do send the food back. It’s honestly frustrating that when I go out… I spend so much time correcting others people’s mistakes. I feel like I need to be reimbursed for how much time I’ve lost over the years from this….. 😅

  21. I seem to have really bad luck with take out orders lol. They are almost always wrong or messed up so I have gotten in the habit of double checking them before I leave.

  22. Whenever I attempt to blow bubbles it does not work. Judt “blowwwwww”- whomp whomp.

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