Did you ever feel like a place holder once you got married ? Like your partner know you’ll always be there so they tend to do what they want . Why is that ? Before we get married we do everything to keep them or make them happy , but once we been married couple of years we start to slack and do what we really wanted to ? Do you feel like a place holder for your spouse??

  1. You should look into therapy. There is no way for us to know if your feeling like a placeholder is your anxiety talking or if there are specific behaviors of your partner that are leadinging you to believe you are, or if it it a combination of the two. And whether it does happen to others (I’m sure it does) it is undoubtedly an uncomfortable feeling for you,not to mention unsustainable in a marriage.

    So find someone you can talk with and analyze this with to learn how you need to approach your specific issues.

  2. Agreed. And the worst thing, there is not really anyone I can talk to about this 🥲 or can understand.

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