As per title really. Would you make a nice cup of tea or coffee using a hotel kettle?

I’ve read many stories of people boiling period pants or other unsavory items in kettles at hotels. Kinda puts me off ingesting any liquid from that vessel, boiled or not.

Does boiling make it ok?

  1. I give it a once over to check that it’s not really manky inside and then just don’t think about it. In the same way I try not to think about what’s gone on in the bed I’m sleeping in. I’ve heard the odd horror story about how often the bed clothes are changed too…

  2. I once knew a two guys that worked together and had to stay in hotels together. One snored a lot so to not disturb the other he would sleep in the bath, this meant the one in the room could not use the bathroom at night so he would use the kettle

  3. Yep, I give it a quick rinse (mainly for bits of scale etc) then go for it. The boiling negates any cleanliness concerns, plus I’ve never read any stories about people boiling anything but water in there or indeed pissing in it. Find it hard to believe that’s going on with any real frequency. In any case, it will be boiled, you’d consume worse stuff from cafes/takeaways etc

  4. Went on holiday to Oman and wanted to make tea in the hotel room. As I opened the kettle, there was maggots at the bottom and hundreds of flies. Since then I’ve never made myself tea/coffee in a hotel room.

  5. I inspect it, boil it once, empty the water out and then boil it again. I figure that’ll kill anything that’s in there. The alternative is going without a cup of tea, unthinkable.

  6. I mean, you don’t make a nice cuppa in them. You make a shite cuppa with not enough milk but it does the job in a pinch.

  7. Yes. When I goto fill it up I check to make sure there’s nothing lurking inside (usually lime scale).

  8. I tend to have a look inside then boil a kettle full of water first, and then empty it before using as that will kill most things.

  9. Boil water, throw it out, if there was something bad soluble in water, now it’s gone. If not soluble in water, won’t be a problem.

  10. I do a first boil and just dump out the water, after that it’s sanitized so I feel comfortable making tea with the second round of water.

  11. I’m sorry but who the hell goes in a hotel room, theres already a pair of pants and water in the kettle they now boil, and pour it out into their tea (not noticing the pants inside which would probably break a kettle anyway) and drink the tea? Seems very unlikely.

    The kettles always completely empty when I check-in anyway so I have to open it to fill it.

  12. I just give it a quick glance, rinse out in case there’s any scale or anything that might break off and have at it.

    The water that’s gone in there is fresh from the tap and is being boiled anyway – its not going to hurt you.

    I’ve never had a hotel room cuppa (I work away a lot, I have quite a few) and felt rough afterwards. Nor have I caught any sort of infectious disease. I think its largely an urban myth that people piss in them etc.

    Even so, you shouldn’t let that what you don’t know consume your mind.

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