Im leaving my husband and moving back home for a year. For financial and other personal reasons. Has anyone else been in the same boat and saw a positive change in their spouse? Like they dont argue with you as much or they do their best to impress you?

Im not sure what to expect but im hoping leaving will make him understand about being serious and fixing this marriage and if he wont i will end it. Ive done everything i can to fix it myself and our issues, but this has to be a 2 people decision, i cant fix him, its not my job to. Its hard to fix something the other person ignores/doesnt want to talk about. Im tired of being miserable and being here so im leaving and moving back home.
We dont have kids, just pets.

Edit: guess nobody has ever separated from their spouse?

  1. Sounds like you’re already leaving or have already left. No he’s not going to magically change. Neither will you. It’s time

  2. Well obviously there is no magic potion but historically as a man myself , men are a lot more likely to keep things to themselves & work on thins at their own pace privately . I don’t think it’s a case of he doesn’t want to talk to you , it’s as I said before , men historically keep a lot of emotions & thoughts regarding certain matters tucked away in a little compartment upstairs & it is more of a way of separating what they value & find important & he will work on whatever points you raised at his own time . Trying to push him with a set time to make said changes might not be a winner . I see that he hasn’t put in enough effort to fix all that you believe he needs to , but has made some improvements to himself & areas you say he needed to work on . Just a curious question, hsve you asked him if there are any areas where he would like for you to make improvents both on yourself personally & in the marriage , as i see you stated you are sick of putting in all the effort to work on the marriage while he wasn’t.

  3. Separated twice before. The last time lasted almost 18 months and we got back together.

    We’ve now been separated for about 8 months, but I’ve gone full no-contact since December and am done.

    All the issues that caused the earlier separations are the reasons for this one and why I’ve finally reached the point of filing for divorce.

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