Wondering if guys sometimes lie about not being into me. Obviously not every guy wants to fuck me or love me. I’m just curious about the signs for or against so I can be sure some guy isn’t trying to use me or something. Don’t care if you have anything unkind to say, just put your honest opinion.

  1. Generally if a guy is into you he’s already thought about sex.

    Some may purposely mislead you to get to their goal.

    That being said, consistency is key so look for that.

  2. Guys who are genuinely interested in you, aren’t quick to talk about sex. They save that topic for down the road. It’s almost as though they breach that subject only after you guys have exhausted all other subjects known to man.

  3. Touching, glancing or non verbal communication.
    Here’s what I said before about guys that are interested:

    Guys that want you for you want you around all of the time mostly. If you’re both free, they’ll be within reach of you. You can look out the window or put out your hand, and they’ll be there in some fashion. Or there’ll be some token of them in eyesight; or the phone will be ringing because they want to talk to you. Their friends will keep you informed of their interest; you might find a friend or two of theirs popping up when you’re at the market or mowing the grass. Their little sister calls you for advice. If you’re in school or at work together, you’ll see their head bopping by in the hallway; everyone you work with will know his voice, face, car. He’ll want to know where you went to school, where you went on family vacations. He’ll dress up for you, wear pajamas, drink your favorite alcohol instead of his. If you cry in a movie or at a song, he’ll make you feel better and he’ll turn it off the next time it comes on. Any threat to the relationship will be shut down. And you don’t have to do anything but your part. Yes, his hands will be all over you all the time. He’ll always be holding, squeezing, reaching for something and drawing you closer. He’ll literally absorb you into his body when you’re sitting next to each other on sofas, airplanes, cars, He’ll unzip, unsnap, unwrap, untie everything you have on absentmindedly while standing in lines, at bars, in movies. But that will be in addition to all these other things. People will tell you he’s crazy about you. Never settle for anything less.

    Guys who just want to have sex with you or who really like you and think about having sex with you, will measure you against them, by standing behind you and pointing at things, or literally measure you by holding hands together, etc. Just like ideologically they measure you against their thinking.

    Guys who want to be with you and guys who want to have sex with you both want to have sex with you. Otherwise, they want to be friends. Friends also want to have sex with you, ime.

  4. Does he try to send time or be around you. Guys not interested, you will be invisibile

  5. Want to fuck – very high chance most guys at your age will want to fuck given that you are not bad looking. Even if just tolerable appearance, guys will want to fuck.

    Into you and want a relationship – most guys will want to fuck first. Wanting to mate with an attractive female is hardwired into male DNA. He will try hard to be around you, glance at you, talk to you, etc.

    There is nothing wrong with showing interest first. You just have to be okay with handling rejections because most guys will know if he is attracted or not at first glance and not date a girl who they don’t think is attractive.

  6. I have a FWB, I genuinely like talking and hanging with her. I make it a point to text her first sometimes she does. We talk almost daily. We can talk about anything and laugh together and have actual fun. If he shows interest in you and what you like and care about consistently then he may like you more than just wanting to use you for sex. Girls who want sex are easier so I wouldn’t invest my time in a girl who didn’t want sex upfront. I make it a point to care be friendly be flirty and have great conversations cause i like her. Use your judgement the best you can.

  7. Flirting and sexual attraction is easy to pick up.

    With guys actions speak louder than words. Is he helpful or protective without asking for anything in return. Assholes will expect something in return (nice guys aren’t so nice) and players won’t help you in when in need.

    Does he stick around well after you have sex. If he pumps and dumps, you know what you got. If he sticks around thick and thin.

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