Hey everyone,

I 23m went on a date this weekend with 20f and it was pretty good. It was just grabbing coffee but we stayed there for about 3 hours talking which is a good sign for a first date. We kissed goodbye at the end, I just went in for a hug but from her body language it was pretty obvious she wanted to go for a kiss too. After that we both agreed to make plans to see each other again. This was my first kiss btw.

I followed up after the date to check that she made it home safely which she responded to, after that I sent “I’d love to get to know you better, would you want to go out again next weekend?” This was Saturday night and it’s been radio silence since then so I suspect I’ve been ghosted 🙁 We texted for a few days prior to the date and she was pretty quick to respond, within a couple hours so I think 2 days with nothing means she’s not interested.

I’m confused how someone loses interest so quickly and even if during the date she decided we weren’t a match why would she even bother kissing me…super flabbergasted.

1 comment
  1. “I’d love to get to know you better” shouldn’t be in your vocabulary, man. Date sounds like it could be promising. You never know in these situations, though. Sometimes it’s just a kiss goodbye, for good. I also wouldn’t have immediately asked her out again. Contrary to what you’ve been told, and what some people will insist on here, it’s just not necessary. My current GF hit me up the evening after our first date. I usually give it a day or two. And I don’t immediately ask her out either. I just circle back from something we connected on the date. This allows her space to process the date and her feelings around it. Then after a few days of back and forth, I ask her out again.

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