I am 36 female, I find my orgasms are much less intense than they used to be and I don’t have much desire. I know exercise is one mentioned to increase but anything else?

  1. Libido naturally decreases as you age but exercise and weight loss will help. As does your diet. More protein and less refined carbs. The better you feel about yourself the higher your sex drive will be.

  2. It is natural for your libido to wax and wane depending on health, state of mind, amount of stress in life….

    One way to increase your libido is to jump start your interest in sex a few times a day.

    Set aside 5-10 minutes a couple of times a day to close your eyes and just think about something hot – whatever fantasy appeals. Really try to use your imagination. Try to imagine every sight and feeling and even smell or taste of a sexy encounter. Or go to a site like [literotica.com](https://literotica.com) or a porn site and read some erotica or watch a little porn. You don’t have to masturbate while doing this – but you can.

    Just getting your mind thinking about sex a few times a day may be enough to improve your response.

  3. Could you be in perimenopause? If you’re deficient in sex hormones that could be a potential cause.

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