Hi! (33M) So in recent years my gf’s libido has dropped significantly. We still have great sex on occasion, but as her libido has dropped, mine has sky-rocketed.

I could easily have sex 3 times a day, so as you can imagine I masterbate frequently. A couple months ago I was hornier than usual and home alone so I decided ro experiment with live-streaming my masturbation session.

I was actually so aroused by the thought that so many people were enjoying the show that I pretty much did it all: showed my ass, fucked myself with dildos, moaned, screamed and came all over the camera. I must’ve cum 3 times my typical amount. Needless to say, I really enjoyed myself.

When I’m not streaming myself I am absolutely HOOKED on watching cam girls. I take all my tips from my shows and give them to the girls. I like to find a chick with 0 viewers, give her a compliment then, give her a fat tip.

My GF has absolutely no knowledge of my new (strong) interest in streaming. I made another post here recently about the fact that my GF thought me liking anal was gay, so as you can imagine, I’m hesitant to share this with her. She can also be kind of jealous at times.

What would you do if you found out your SO was streaming themselves masterbating and giving their tips to other women/men? Do you think this is something that could cause a problem and maybe I should keep it to myself? I personally wouldn’t be upset if the tables were turned. Could this be seen as infidelity?

Thanks for the read! Any discussion is appreciated! Happy sex for all!

  1. Have you both discussed cam girls and such before? My bf and I have a “look but don’t interact” rule on that for example.

    I mean, considering your gf accused you of being gay for liking anal I am going to go out on a limb and say she would consider this cheating…

    Better to have the conversation now and possibly break up due to sexual incompatibility than years down the line she finds out. Then again maybe she’d like to see your session! It could help ramp her libido back up too 🙂

  2. imo this is cheating. I’d be incredibly upset if my partner told me they were doing this.

  3. Your cheating brotha. If you had morals you would stop, or tell her and continue. Don’t be a piece of shit.

  4. I’d be mad, why hide it to me? I’m not against that but the fact that you didn’t even ask if she feels comfortable is not ok

    >I made another post here recently about the fact that my GF thought me liking anal was gay,

    Do you really want this relationship?

  5. You’re clearly not very satisfied with the low-key homophobe gf and I can’t imagine her being satisfied with this. What’s wrong with finding a different partner instead?

  6. This is cheating dude. Doesn’t sound like she’s that open minded but that’s no excuse for doing stuff like this if it hasn’t been discussed beforehand.

  7. WTF I realized I spelled masturbation wrong in the title. Really bothering me now…

  8. Honestly…. If my girlfriend or wife did this, I’d probably be done with the relationship.

    This is cheating.

  9. I personally think that if you’re hiding something sexual involving other people (cam girls, sexting, whatever else) from your partner, it could be justified at cheating. Regardless of the sex life or relationship dynamic, I’d be hurt to find out my partner was entertaining and being entertained by strangers online behind my back. You should definitely tell her and be prepared for any kind of response on her end. She deserves to know.

  10. So y’all not compatable and ur not being faithful and betraying her, and she shameful

  11. To me, this is cheating. And you know it is as you’ve hidden it from her.

    I mean, she’s a homophobe so that’s fun for her and it sounds like you’re not compatible so just tell her and leave. Or just leave and don’t tell her. Either way you’ve crossed the line and I don’t think there’s much coming back from it.

  12. Wow, you worded this so cheerfully, but the subject matter is that you’re cheating on your gf? Wtf.

  13. I’d be okay with my husband “watching” free porn but if I found out he was live streaming himself, I’d think he’d lost his mind. I’d feel ashamed of him. I would request he stopped and if he couldn’t stop, then ask if he’s willing to discuss this in therapy. If he continued…I’d tell his mom. Lol. Just kidding on the last comment.

  14. This is cheating honey… You must tell her and redirect your behavior or looking for someone else who may match with your new hobbies. Why do people do so very hurtful things to others? Please, be conscious and tell her the truth and apologize to her, then stay away from there and leave her alone. You’re damaging her a lot.

  15. If she doesn’t know; its cheating. Its one thing if its discussed but she didn’t sign up for this.

    How would you feel if someone recognized your videos and confronted her about it?

    How would you feel if she was displaying herself to others online?

    Some people have no problems with their partners doing this kind of thing. But others do, and the fact that your hiding it from her, says you likely know she wont support it.

  16. I think you two are not compatible, and if I were in her shoes and found this out I’d be livid, and leave you. In my relationship, excessive use of porn makes me uncomfortable. I can’t imagine finding out your partner has been sharing an intimate part of their lives with people live on the internet.
    Then using what they receive and giving it to other women that they are watching live. Damn, I think you’ve really dug yourself into a hole. You need to come clean, and figure out what you both want. Like I said it sounds like you two aren’t compatible. “She can be kinda jealous” well, I don’t think we would blame her in this situation.

    You’re cheating on your partner, hiding this all from her, and asking reddit if you are doing anything wrong. Yikes.

  17. Every relationship has different boundaries and different things they consider cheating. But i think you know what your doing is cheating on her. Yall clearly haven’t okayed this kind of behavior, otherwise she’d know/you’d know if she considers this cheating.

  18. Cause a problem: yes. You need to tell her ASAP amd regardless of the consequences.
    In her position, I would be devastated. More so in the lies and hiding it but sharing your body with others would hurt. Granted, both of these points would have been made crystal clear upon getting together so if you and her have a similar romantic agreement, then you are 100% cheating.

    Side note: on the ‘being gay because you like anal’ is incredibly immature and categorically incorrect. Gay means you enjoy sexual activities with other men. Enjoying a part of your own damn body is not gay.

  19. I don’t think it’s technically cheating but it’s shady AF if you have to hide it from her. If she’s ok with that it wouldn’t matter. Are you getting paid for it or just doing it for the kink? You should either stop or talk to her about it and see how she feels about it. If she’s cool with that then keep doing it if it gets you off.

  20. If this was me I’d be very hurt if I found out my BF was doing this behind my back and I would most likely end the relationship.
    If that’s what you like to do and enjoy that’s absolutely fine but you NEED to tell her and bare in mind this may be a dealbreaker for her.

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