What other company has an advertisement which is so stupid that you won’t buy their product?

  1. I wasn’t buying their product anyway, but the medieval themed “dilly dilly” ads for Bud Light are **very** ridiculous in my opinion.

  2. I think their food sucks anyway, but those Olive Garden commercials from the 90s and early 2000s were ridiculous.

  3. A certain brand of condoms called “VIZIT”. Their ads border on hilarious/cringy, but for some reason create an image of a low-quality product that’s only appeal is eye-catching advertising.

    Though the Warhammer-themed one did crack me up a bit. The slogan went something like: “Don’t forget to don the latex gear, before traversing into the Eye of Terror”.

    But the Bioshock one.. yeah, that one raised some questions.

  4. A lot of recent fast food commercials (Arby’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Sonic) are annoying while simultaneously making their food look anything but appetizing.

  5. PXG Golf Clubs. I get their ads CONSTANTLY on youtube and everytime I loudly hear “Immmmmm Bob Parsonsss!” I want to punch something. Not to mention any time I’ve demo’d them they’re awful.

  6. Kars 4 Kids. Their commercials are so irritating and that song is so awful, I refuse to ever donate anything to them. Every time I hear that song, I want to smash the radio.

  7. Mentos

    Those stupid commercials and their jingle is stuck in my brain forever.

  8. I’m not some snow flake, I really dont care how something is advertised. Like I own a purse and they are often advertised exclusively to women but I don’t care. A bag is a bag.

  9. Any of the myriad “Pride” month commercials that pander to the LGBTQ+ community every year. They are so often cringy and so clearly a virtue signalling mess.

  10. The soap commercials that used to flood my YouTube. “Are you a dish or are you a man”. I’m a not ever gonna buy your soap.

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