I broke up with my ex [20s] a couple months ago; however, I still have dreams about them, the latest being today. It’s like waking up in a cold sweat. I’ve been having dreams almost every week about them and it doesn’t seem to stop. It’s been affecting my mental and my school and my quality of life overall. I already tried a multitude of options:

– Making new friends
– Joining school clubs
– Focusing on school, future and career
– Trying to work on myself and hobbies

But nothing seems to work. It’s like I’m haunted. How do I make it stop.

TL;DR: I’m being haunted the good times I’ve had and things I’m now missing.

  1. To double check, you’ve deleted all photos and texts together as well as blocked on social media right?

  2. I’m not a psychologist, but while moving on with your life and finding new social connections *are* important for moving on from a break-up…

    >I’m being haunted the good times I’ve had and things I’m now missing.

    …Processing your feelings about the relationship can also help. It’s possible to acknowledge that you had good times with them, and lament the absence of future opportunities with them, while also wanting to move on, even if the relationship overall wasn’t working out. It’s better than burying these emotions or pretending like nothing good came from it.

    Does your school have counseling services available? You may want to look into it – your tuition and student fees are already going towards these, anyway.

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