What do you eat when you start your period on a diet?

  1. Chili. (Bonus: it can be done in the Crock-Pot, so apart from browning meat and dumping in ingredients, there’s almost no work.) It’s great for keeping iron levels up, and it can be adapted to suit your needs (vegetarian/vegan, leaner meat, keto-friendly, whatever).

  2. The same as usual. I might eat less for the first few days due to often experiencing debilitating cramps and nausea – so I don’t have much of an appetite if any at all – but other than that, it remains unchanged and I try to make healthy food choices, even if they’re in smaller portions until the worst pain is over.

  3. Thems the rules that there are no rules on the first day of my bleed, I’ll eat whatever I want

  4. disclaimer: i don’t diet.

    When I’m on my period, I just try to make sure I’m getting enough iron and satisfying my cravings lol. So more ground beef, potatoes, and spinach are in the rotation.

  5. I eat what I want. Cravings are strong with this one and if I deny myself it makes me even more unbearable. A cupcake or some ice cream isn’t going to ruin my diet.

  6. Healthy “junk food”. Something salty? Almonds or pistachios. Something chocolatey? Coconut oil mixed with cocoa powder (look up fat bomb recipes). Banana and pb. Etc.

  7. Dark chocolate and Avocado 😍👌 helps with pms and hit the sweet cravings with the chocolate

  8. I always want chocolate on the first day and I will just eat chocolate. It’s one day, it’s not going to do that much damage.

  9. Keto mug cakes are good for sugar cravings. I usually crave chocolate or potato chips. I just eat it because I follow a 90/10 rule with my diet so I don’t feel deprived.

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