How would you react if man oferred you money for cuddeling with him for some time?

  1. I’ve considered doing professional cuddling (I have a friend who did it and had good experiences) and would be open to it if the price was right and if there were good protections in place (e.g. client vetting).

  2. I’d think he had an incredibly poor understanding of both social norms and boundaries and might well be a threat to my well being as a result.. Unless someone makes it known that they’re willing to provide some sort of relatively intimate physical contact for money, it’s unbelievably creepy to treat them as though they’d be open to that possibility.

  3. Absolutely no, ugh.

    I have nothing against cuddling, for profit or otherwise, but it’s not something I would ever do with a stranger.

    And if, as you said in a comment, it was a friend… I don’t think I have any friends I’m close enough with for that. And offering money makes it feel wrong. I’d be more likely to do it if they just asked than if they offered money.

  4. It would be weird, and probably would have weirded me out too much when I was younger. Now, though, I think if I needed money and wasn’t in a relationship, I’d probably do it if the money was good enough, he wasn’t absolutely physically disgusting, and I trusted him not to go too far, or thought I could fight him off if he tried. (Or if he was cute enough that I wouldn’t mind going farther than cuddling…)

  5. Some people do crave physical contact I guess but I’m not a professional cuddler I’d like to apply to one tho

  6. I have three friends I would feel comfortable enough to cuddle with. Everyone else is a straight and swift no.

    I’m also a fan of the book “if you give a mouse a cookie” when it comes to describing men in such a situation. It will never stop at just a cuddle.

  7. My first instinct is no— because I am a small woman and I don’t know if it would be a great idea to be that close to a man I don’t know. But— if I knew him, established boundaries, and the pay was up front, I’d think about it. Especially if it was somewhere where there were other people in the house, like my roommates, and the door was open.

  8. I’d decline. I’m engaged to pretty much the only human I’m comfortable cuddling with. As a general rule I don’t like physical touch.

  9. tbh i wouldn’t be opposed to it as long as i was single. BUT my experiences have shown me that they’re barely ever this innocent, over and over again. so i would never trust such an offer.

  10. There are cuddle coaches apparently. I’m not oké and would recommend that. Unless I needed the cash and he’s not gross or risky.

  11. probably depend on if i know them, how comfortable their presence makes me, and how much money we’re talking about

  12. Coldly, and wouldn’t trust him to not try to take things further. That would be our last conversation.

  13. I would be suspicious as it could be a means for him to force himself on me. If he was really hot I would do it for free.

  14. No. Anyone I’m close enough with to feel comfortable cuddling wouldn’t feel the need to offer me money for it.

  15. Hard pass and ask him if he’s having a stroke or otherwise needs medical attention. Any friend of mine knows I wouldn’t be down for that.

  16. Once a guy asked me that, I said no because it seems a lot like a situation that will lead you to getting raped or abducted lol

  17. I would be incredibly angry if someone asked me this. I make very good money and don’t have to scrounge around with men who don’t understand social boundaries and are unable to have mutual relationships with women.

    Jesus. Don’t ask women to do prostitute adjacent stuff and don’t assume that they need your money. Most women work and don’t need to lower themselves to scrape for your change.

  18. I’d be grossed out and deny. Especially if it’s a stranger.

    I’m not good with touching people and vice versa, and I am uncomfortable with cuddling.

  19. It’s wildly inappropriate to just proposition someone for transactional intimacy out of nowhere.

    I’d be some variation of insulted, creeped out, angry, and concerned for my own safety depending on the context.

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