Which Canadian universities do most Americans know and respect?

  1. Depends entirely on the university.

    I can speak to PhD level impressions. For regular corporate level positions it is basically “did you graduate?” with some deference given to high end Canadian universities.

    For PhD candidates they only look highly on a small number of very good Canadian universities. And those universities may only stack up favorably against state schools in the US and are completely outdone by prestige universities in the US.

  2. They aren’t well renowned in the US but people don’t have anything against them if you went there.

  3. Mcgill is the only one with any name recognition. Maybe Toronto. Most americans would be hard pressed to name a foreign college outside Oxbridge and maybe the sorbonne

  4. I know of McGill, Toronto, and UBC. UBC is a rugby rival of my undergrad, UC Berkeley.

  5. Mcgill is the only Canadian university that I can think of off the top of my head.

  6. Most Americans won’t recognize Canadian universities by name, or may only know one or two (I know McGill, but I live in the northeast), but if you’re applying for a corporate job most people will recognize that Canada has an education system on a par with the US and someone who graduated with a Canadian 4 year degree from an unfamiliar school has similar quality credentials as someone with a US 4 year degree from an unfamiliar school.

  7. Fuck Laval.

    They’re actually fine, but I’m still salty they swept a competition I was in by basically having 10x the budget the rest of the competition had.

  8. I don’t believe we think about Canadian universities much. We have a wide range of Universities in the US already. Weather in Canada might detract a lot if Americans from studying there. Do Canadian universities offer something that US universities don’t?

  9. Americans are unaware of Canadian universities, much as they are about Canada generally.

    We’re into our OWN shit.

  10. I would say that “most Americans” are likely only aware of McGill. If, in fact, “most Americans” are aware of any Canadian universities. Most Americans would probably assume there are other universities in Canada but would be unable to name any.

  11. I consider McGill, UToronto, and UBC to be the most notable off the top of my head.

    The domestic standards of admission for those three seem more relaxed than the Ivy League, so I consider them to be around the same level as a Top-20 university in the US which is still pretty good.

  12. I’d assume they were just as reputable as a US school. McGill is the only one I can think of that would be prestigious. University of British Columbia has had some interesting things come out of it.

  13. I don’t think Canadians are respected in the US. Especially with that fascist Trudeau in office up there.

  14. I thought McGill was a well regarded American university (business school?) Until I learned it was Canadian.

  15. I realize in this moment that while Canada must obviously have universities, I have never once thought about or heard about one in my life.

  16. I think they’re pretty well-regarded. Specifically, the University of Toronto, York University, McGill, UBC, and Poly Montreal off the top of my head are all good schools as far as I know.

  17. I can only name McGill and Guelph. I only know Guelph bc I had a professor who used to teach there.

  18. McGill is the only Canadian university I have heard of, and that’s only because one of my wife’s friends told me he went there like it was a flex. Maybe it was but I’ve never had the desire to find out.

  19. In tech, Waterloo is extremely highly respected. Probably McGill, UToronto, UBC are known to some extent.

  20. Never heard of any of the universities anyone on this thread on talking about and I and a university professor with a PhD and two Master’s degrees, all from different states. So I guess it has to do with where people live. Maybe people on the New England states know more.

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