I am a woman. I ask this because I don’t think any dude around me has found me physically attractive. I assume it’s because I’m petite framed so on the skinnier side. But I’m just wondering what physical or non physical attributes makes men attracted to a woman?

  1. A wicked sense of humour and a smile to die for. Seriously though, there’s a “type” for everyone. In someone’s eyes everyone is attractive in some way.

  2. See this topic on here white frequently. There will never be a consensus as it differs from individual to individual.

    For me personally a confident woman who is self aware will always be somewhat attractive. Regardless of her physical attributes.

    In terms of physical attributes I prefer women who are more curvy. Not _big_ big, but above average weight for their height, maybe slightly overweight or chubby.

    I also really like pretty eyes and butt cheeks.

  3. If you’re not wildly out of shape and you’re at least making some attempts at personal hygiene, there’s going to be no shortage of guys that find you physically attractive.

    That said, I clicked your post history and your mental health struggles are absolutely going to be reflected in your body language and interactions with people, and it’s going to drive them away. What you need is to focus in your mental health with a trained professional to help you work through the issues you’re dealing with. This is beyond the help of reddit.

  4. Confidence is pretty high on my list. If you aren’t comfortable in your own skin, or you’re constantly talking down to yourself, it’s a hard no from me.

  5. Ok Queen,

    So, your physical beauty is just one part of the process. Speaking as an older man, one of the biggest and most beautiful traits is self esteem and confidence.

    As a younger kid, I focused more on looks. Now, not saying looks are not important, because quite frankly, they are. Self esteem is just so amazing to a man.

    Now, if you’re worried about your looks, physically, I would say do what’s physically comfortable for you. However, if you want to change up a few things, do it within the parameters of you as a person. Don’t make changes just for the sake of changes. They have to be meaningful.

    Stay strong Queen!

  6. * Exists

    * Not obese

    * Personality is not insufferable

    If you apply to these criteria, you are attractive to almost all men. Women really underrate how easy it is to attract men.

    > I don’t think any dude around me has found me physically attractive. I assume it’s because I’m petite framed so on the skinnier side

    Are you insane, lol. Petite and skinny is the most common beauty standard. You will maybe find one man out of a thousand who will reject a girl because she is petite and skinny.

  7. I’m pretty sure it’s not your looks that are the problem here. LOTS of guys like skinny, petite girls. LOTS of them.

  8. Physically, it differs. So long as you’re healthy, that’s about our minimum expectation.

    As far as your attitude and personality goes, being sweet, pleasant, nurturing, and accommodating go the furthest.

    As a woman, it’s not that hard to attract a man, the difficulty is in filtering through the waves of them to get a quality one. The real question is, what are you doing to love and take care of yourself? Men are just as attracted to women that know how to feel good about themselves as women are to men that know how to build themselves up.

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