Single since birth. You’ll probably think I’m too young to be saying this but some days are the worst. Mostly those night where your on the bed getting ready to sleep and so you scroll though TikTok. TikTok always pops out a video that ends up making me hate being lonely and desperately wanting to be with a man. I guess some of those videos that contain quotes just makes me rethink all the memories I had with all my crushes. Nothing has changed because I am still that girl who doesn’t do the first move. I am the type of girl who is a family person and very friendly but with new people I am shy. Especially when I see good looking guys I get shy and not feel worthy of myself. It’s probably a me problem. There is a scene where Jo from Little Women just always gets to me. The one in the attic with her mother scene. Jo March : “Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for. But… I am so lonely.”This quote is exactly what I feel.

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