My wife and I have been married for 2 years. At first sex was good. Plenty of foreplay, oral sex, and sex at different times/places. I’d say it was healthy for about 2 months after getting married. Then it went downhill for no apparent reason that I can understand. My wife didn’t want sex, didn’t need sex and when we did sex it was about just her trying to get me off fast so that we could be done and wait another month for the next time. There is absolutely no foreplay anymore, no oral sex (she even says “no that’s gross” when before she would always say how great she was at blowjobs), she won’t even take her shirt off anymore and we have sex MAYBE once a month. We’ve talked about our issue of sex multiple times and it always turns into me having to do something for her before she can start to fix the sex issue we are having. I am a young guy in my mid 20s and I have a super high sex drive. I think of sex with my wife all the time. Literally 25 hours a day. I feel like I’m going crazy not getting any sexual gratification from my wife. She also won’t let me touch her during sex… only intercourse in about 2-3 positions. She’s stated “I don’t want to or need to finish”. She doesn’t even remember the last time she finished and I don’t even remember the last time she tried to finish.

This is extremely frustrating to me as for I love my wife but this is driving me absolutely insane. What do I do???

  1. What types of things is she asking you to do for her before she can start to fix the sex issue?

  2. Honestly, as a woman there could be many reasons. When you get married women often feel like they become this husbands “mother” doing everything for them, grocery shopping, cooking, making sure the house is always clean etc. there is probably something she is wanting you to help her with that just isn’t getting done. I would definitely ask her. Or just surprise her and do the things she would do on a normal day so she doesn’t have to do them. If this isn’t the issue, I’m not sure what else it would be.

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