Ok, serious question for you ladies whose husbands have tattoos. Are they afraid of needles?
My (38F) husband (32M) has multiple tattoos on both arms. Despite that, he is terrified of needles. Today, he had an appointment at the VA. He was getting lab work for his yearly physical. I went with him but stayed in the car since the clinic he goes to doesn’t allow guests unless they are the vets caretaker. He comes out about half an hour after going in looking pale. I ask whats wrong and he said he almost passed out when they were drawing blood.
Again, anyone else’s husband like this? I can’t help but chuckle at the irony.

  1. I’m the wife and I’m like this. I have one tattoo, and I look away whenever I’m getting blood drawn because the needle makes me squeamish. We exist 😆.

    My husband has 4 tattoos and is completely unfazed by needles.

  2. Nope he’s not.

    I don’t really see the irony though because if you’ve seen a tattoo pen it doesn’t have a visible needle. So it’s nowhere near the same thing.

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