I’ve been with my bf for 10 years, we always had a good sex life.

We split up for a year and since we got back together he’s been feeling inadequate, and can’t stay hard during sex
I don’t want to lie and say it doesn’t bother me, but I wonder is he not attracted to me anymore?
He always says he wants me, but he keeps asking about the guys I slept with on our break, and he’s really self conscious about his siz, (he says he’s 6.2 inches long and 4.75 in girth?). When we were first together and I was a virgin he filled me up and it was awesome.
Now I don’t feel him that much anymore. I can’t get as into it as I used to with just plain sex anymore.

Is it just me? Have I ruined him?

  1. He just needs to get out of his head and stop thinking about it.

    To do this he needs to just focus on pleasuring you only. Without using his dick at all. He need to learn how to make you cum with his mouth, fingers and toys. The more he makes you cum these ways it’ll show him that he doesn’t need a hard dick to make you cum. Sex is not only about a dick penetrating a vagina.

    If he really case about you he’d put on a strap-on to fuck you. Heck, I used to have the same problem so I would use a strap-on. Because my feeling about me wearing a strap-on doesn’t matter what matters is me making my girl cum.

    I also focused on learning to make her come with my fingers. This help me stop thinking about my soft dick and I eventually got hard without even noticing it. Then if got soft again it doesn’t matter cause I can keep her going towards the orgasm with my fingers. Then when my hand get tired I switch to the other one.

    You see lot of guys have this exact problem and 99.9% of the time it’s just in the heads. Then they make it such a big deal that is make woman like you not want to be sexual with them. If every sexual situation with him ends up being about his problem then that’s not fun for you. That’s just selfish.

    How you can help him is by showing him you like his dick in all form even soft. You do this by showing him that you enjoy playing with his soft dick. This does not have to only be during sex time it can also be in more casual situations. Like watch a movie together at home you could be just enjoying the feeling of his soft cock in your hand. This kind of thing with no pressure on him to get hard while show him that his cock being soft is not as bad as he thinks it is.

    But at the end of the day you can wait around forever for him to get hard. You also deserve lot and lots of orgasms, there is not excuse at all on his end. Especially not a soft dick when he has 10 hard fingers.

  2. ALSO ask a birth control group this question bc Likely someone has had the same problem

  3. How much attraction are you providing him? Are you initiating often, showing him you desire him or are you letting him do all the work there?

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