So I have had this problem when I was small how I used to get red when I presented in front of class, but last year that problem disappeared and I never felt more confident in myself. This year I changed schools and implemented a mindset which was how no one knew me so I could start fresh. At first I tried to be super confident but my face turning red when people asked me stuff, when I met new people, or even when the teachers started taking attendance, didn’t help me. I am not a shy person at all, in fact, I love participating in class every change I can. But lately I have been getting super red to the point where even my own mom (yes I even get red in front of her) thinks I’m lying when I tell her stuff. She suggested public speaking because she thinks I’m just nervous or shy, and I told her that wasn’t the case. I just need advice on this topic and should I take public speaking classes even though I do not get nervous neither shy neither stressed when I talk to others? Getting red is just like a natural kinda like protection reflection my face has which is super annoying and I want to get rid of it.

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