Hello all, I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this but I don’t know where else to go. Anyways, I (22M) have been dating my gf (20) for a few months now. We’ve have “private time” when we can and we try something new everytime in order to keep things more exciting. I mentioned to her that during our next time, I can “put my mouth to work when your period is over” and she smiled and we started kissing again. Now the question is, how do I eat a girl out?
Thanks I’m advance!

  1. Honestly every girl is different, as to what she likes and doesn’t like.

    I’d try making a game out of it. Try something out for a while, and stop and ask her if it was good, or if she would change something. Make it fun, and light, and a learning experience.

    But generally you want a constant, consistent licking encompassing the area from the bottom of her vaginal opening, to her clitoris.

  2. First of all, be gentle and for God’s sake don’t go down there immediately. It’s better to warm things up first and have some foreplay.

    Enjoy the process, you can use your mouth and hands and get closer to her parts little by little and don’t forget to ask her what and how she likes it, remember that everyone is different and will enjoy sex in different ways. Have fun 🤭

  3. That’s a loaded question. You’re going to use your tongue a lot. Kind of start by kissing the inside of the thighs as you work towards the important bits. Take your time, a lot of ladies like the build up. When you get to her pussy don’t just go straight for the clit. Kiss around the lips, be playful with the surrounding area. Let her squirm a little.

    When you feel she’s fired up, that’s when you dive in. At this point it gets complicated. It’s not just licking and it’s not just doing circles with your tongue. A lot of guys say write the alphabet with your tongue but you don’t want to be paying that much attention to your tongue. You want to be paying attention to her body and the sounds she’s making. You should be able to tell when you’re doing something she likes.

    She might squeeze your head with her thighs, sometimes you can feel her flexing her pubic muscles. Pay attention to those things, you’ll figure out what she likes. Up and down either side of the clit is good. Rolling your tongue on the front of the clit has worked well for me. Try some different things. Sometimes very gental nibbling is well received. The name of the game is body language and attentiveness.

    I like to place my hand right above the pubic bone area and press lightly. A lot of the times this is where they will rest their hand when they are doing solo work, so it makes the whole experience a little more comfortable. Don’t be afraid to communicate either.

    Above all, enjoy it! Also in case you’re worried about taste, they are all different. And day to day it’ll be different, but generally it tastes kinda like sautéed mushrooms – yum!

    I hope that arms you with enough to get you started! Good luck!

  4. Find the clit for the love of God 😅😜. Be gentle at first and then go faster and harder as she gets more excited but don’t rush it, that will make her feel pressured to climax before she’s ready and ruin the mood. Generally speaking when she starts grinding on your face with a fistful of your hair in her hand, she’s close. 😅

  5. Isn’t it interesting that just two or three generations ago (pre-1950 or so) oral sex was widely considered to be unclean, perverted, and taboo but now it’s expected, or even demanded?

    Has she ever experienced cunnilingus before? Is she at least mentally agreeable to the activity? If there’s a “No” to either of these questions it may take more than one session of making-out and petting before you actually do much with oral sex.

    As with just about ALL of your erotic experiments and explorations, ask her to guide you! Pay attention to her verbal cues, as well as her body reactions, and act accordingly. Seed a search engine with ” [cunnilingus techniques](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cunnilingus+techniques&va=b&t=hc&ia=web) ” and you’ll likely uncover more advice than you’ll use in your lifetime! I doubt that any of the tips – or anything posted in this thread – will work well with all women but they’re a place to begin your exploration.

    She may be more accepting and responsive if she (or you) run a damp washcloth over her private parts shortly before you begin. Otherwise, if her personal hygiene is good and she has bathed within half a day there shouldn’t be any problems.

    It’s almost certainly best to start off gentle and become more intense as she indicates she’s ready. She may find that some things are uncomfortable, even painful, at some points in your activity but acceptable – even craved – at other points. Her clitoris will almost certainly be your point of concentration eventually, but it’s often best to approach it in a roundabout way, thoroughly stimulating other parts first. If you DO manage to bring her to orgasm, she may push you away because things “down there” are just too sensitive to be touched for several seconds.

    I was your age when my fiance (now wife) had her very first orgasm, with her thighs wrapped around my ears. It wasn’t the first time I went down on her – probably between my fifth and tenth attempt – but we’ve done it at least a little bit nearly every time we’ve made love during our marriage. It’s also how she learned to have multiple orgasms.

    Just learn to lick your eyebrows, and you’ll do well! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)

  6. No teeth.

    Light suction on and off on the clit.

    Soft tongue on the clit, then harder but never too hard.

    When she starts to get close hold steady with what you’re doing.

    Don’t keep looking at her too much she may feel pressured to perform.

    Show her you love doing it by being really into it.

    It’s an endurance sport. You go down and stay down until she’s done. Be ready for that.

    Have fun!

  7. If she starts moaning please don’t switch what your doing! We hate that! Lol be gently and slow in the beginning

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