Today we had too write a fun fact about ourself. I had no idea what too write so I asked my co-worker. He came up with idea after idea of what I could write, it was endless. He knew more about me than I knew about myself. After like 5 minutes of that he asked me «tell me something interesting you have done» and let me think of a fun fact. My mind went blank, i couldent think of anything. Not one thing about myself while he just spewed them out one by one like it was nothing. Afterwise he joked «maybe the fun fact should be that you have not done anything fun»

1 comment
  1. Think of a boring fact about yourself. We get stuck on the “fun” part so we don’t write anything. Boring is much easier and in reality it is as fun as fun facts. A fact about you will always be interesting, boring or fun doesn’t matter.

    My boring fact is i can’t fall asleep without background noise. I need auditory stimulation to go to sleep. Now you.

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