Hi everyone.

Possible TW : weight & self esteem issues!

I met the guy I’ve been out with for the 7th time since I know him, one month ago, last night, and at one point he started talking about expectations.

I was apparently “low expectation” side. this was the way he said it.

So high expectation would be : going to park, walk walk etc (I don’t remember because I was kinda high and sleepy)

low expectation: he said those people just don’t care. I don’t know what he meant by this.

I do care to be honest, just taking the first step is always on “lazy” on my side. I don’t like going out too much, I hate dealing with what people think( he is 35, and a foreigner). I don’t know what to say. I have self esteem issues a bit and this just.. I know its not gonna work again.

I just cant read what kinda person he is. But I know for sure he doesn’t like to listen to me much. He’s an observer. I don’t know exactly the expectations. The conversation is nice, I mean we are both funny. But when I tell him something about my life, he always think I was a little doesn’t make any sense. But I’m just really an emotional person.

We talked about my body before also, he is the one who cares about diet and being healthy. I just go with the flow because I really like my body right now.

I left at 6am this morning, with him being a little cold and grumpy, he always sleeps around this time. I expected something a little.. nice.

I am going for a break to my hometown for 10 days, and I guess I just need to kinda let it go and move. And probably come back with fresher mind that this is just not gonna work for me. I hate myself.

Is it really late to actually do something about it coz it seems he’s had in mind what kinda person I am, I don’t mean I wanna pretend. But if changes needed, is it really worth doing it now? I know this would only contribute to a positive health well being. Don’t text him until he texts me right?

  1. Fuck the CrossFit advice…

    The issue here is that just 7 dates in, he’s alright with commenting on your body, being cold to you, and not listening to you.

    Why in gods name do you want to save that? There’s nothing there to save! He’s funny? Ok so laugh, don’t shack up with him just because he’s funny sometimes and an asshole the rest of the time!

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