I changed career paths at 32 after spending the better part of a decade pursuing one goal and now I’m not sure what I should do (outside of care for my family and friends).

I’m trying to find purpose in work but can’t find anything beyond contract work and my will to hustle isn’t what it was in my 20s.

  1. I still do my job with utmost sincerity and dedication.

    The problem? I don’t have any passion for what I do. It’s just something I do to pay the bills.

  2. Kinda sorta. It’s up and down. To be fair I also wanted to switch careers before I even got out of school. I’m a physical therapist, and I already wanted to drop out and attend medical school during the 2nd year of my program. Wanted something challenging, didn’t find it there. I was talked out of it by burned out docs.

    I was going to go for it again in my mid 30s. I worked closely with 2 doctors who were both pushing me to do it, and then as I started to figure out what classes I’d need to take to apply I started having serious medical issues and had to scrap the plan for good.

    I still get to help people which is nice. I do a good job and don’t let my boredom interfere with the quality of care I provide, but if you told me tomorrow there was something out there that would provide more intellectual stimulation I would take it in a heartbeat.

    My short to medium term plan is to try and think less about what I want in a job and instead find more purpose outside of my work.

  3. I absolutely do not like my field. it’s the first field to get cut in downturns. I dont need to be spiritually fulfilled by my job but all I do is keep pushing for more. it’s a complete hamster wheel.

    I tried to get out and it’s impossible. I have too much experience to switch. people think I won’t want to take the pay cut. even when I say im fine with it, I get told that im too qualified. to work in a field I have no experience in. at entry level.

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